Monday, September 9, 2013

Million Muslim March on 9-11-13 Rife With 9/11 Truthers: Emanuel Cleaver to Speak

Well, it was the Million Muslim March before they rebranded it the Million American March Against Fear (MAMAF) dropping the word "Muslim." The Facebook page says Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus will be speaking at the event." One of posters for this event sickens me (below). Something about the word "Grand" is inappropriate for 9/11/01 - reminds me of the "Grand Mosque" in Mecca, or the Grand Mosque in Kuwait, or the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque in Oman, or the Grand Mosque in Colombo, Sri Lanka, or the Grand Mosque in Dubai, or the Grand Mosque in Copenhagen, or in Paris or in Leeds, England, or Damascus or Xi'an, or Sana'a or ...and a "memorial" march for for 911? Not for 9-11-01? One is a phone number, one marks the deaths of 2,996 persons, many children missing parents, hundreds of first responders now ill and thousands who still cannot sleep due to nightmares.

Muslims are marching to restore their "civil rights," and to encourage our Government to tell the truth about 9/11/01, yet their Facebook page (which has 139 'Likes') shows a poster including the "Bikers" saying we can "march together..."

Louis Farrakhan the Nation of Islam leader, the movement that converts Blacks in prison faster than a Chaplain can gain entrance, is also invited. Can't find whether he has agreed to show up and haven't identified other speakers. I bet Congressman Keith Ellison attends.

 A reminder about Cleaver. He's the Congressman (Democrat Missouri's 5th District) who claimed he was "spat upon" on the Capitol steps the night ObamaCare passed. He lied. 

The MAMF website said this about speakers:
...We are marching in conjunction with speakers from various Non Muslim organizations to show a chain of events that have changed our country from how our government votes on its foreign and domestic policy to how its citizens see and treat Muslim Americans. It has shaped our media to make the word terrorist synonymous with Muslim and has spoon fed this into the minds of ever American citizen to the point they do not see us as worthy of Constitutional rights or even as human....
And they give the names of numerous 9-11-01 Truthers. AND they think they can march in solidarity with Bikers to D.C.!

 From Patriot Update
AMPAC’s founder, MD Rabbi Alam (who is not a rabbi), insists: “We Muslims have become villainized and victimized” following the attacks.” He also feels that he “is looked at” as one of the 19 Al Qaeda hijackers who committed the 9/11 attacks. However, according to the FBI 10% of religiously motivated hate crimes since 9/11 were committed against Muslims, 8% against Christians and a whopping 68% committed against Jews.  And yet, nothing on AMPAC’s website indicates any deep outpouring of sympathy for Jewish victims of hate crimes....
MD Rabbi Alam is a 9/11 truther who has speculated about Jewish involvement in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. And, that was the impetus for the launch of AMPAC. AMPAC supports “anti-Zionist” Muslim candidates who embrace the notion that “the ‘war on terror’ is a hoax and that the official story of 9/11 is not true.” MD Rabbi Alam was a “satellite campaign manager” for Barack Obama’s 2008 election effort and was subsequently rewarded with an invitation to the White House in 2011. It was as a Missouri-based Democratic activist that he came under fire in July of 2012 for telling the Free Beacon that “not a single Jew” was killed during the 9/11 attacks. Read more at the Patriot Update

A list of the Muslim March speakers includes Matt Sullivan, Chairman of the DC Area 9/11 Truth Movement.

Posted by Maggie @ Maggie's Notebook

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