
"One person's hate speech is another person's education."
Now that retired Vice Chancellor Manuel Gomez (not surprisingly) reduced the punishment of the campus Muslim Student Union to a slap on the wrist as he waltzed off into retirement, the question should now be asked;
"What do all those who congratulated UC-Irvine on (finally) cracking down on the MSU say now"?
Well, if you are the OC Jewish Federation, you declare victory and keep repeating the mantra to your members and donors that "only your working with the university produced the 'great victory' of a 10-week suspension".

The Jewish Federation was not the only one who complimented the university (prematurely, in my view) for what was only the preliminary recommendation of a low-level UCI official, while the appeal process (with subtle or not-so-subtle threats of lawsuits) was sure to come.
So what does it all mean now? Not a whole lot. For the next 10 weeks, the MSU and their supporters will play the victim card. Next May, we can all look forward to another week of Israel Apartheid Week. Another round of radical Israel-hating, America-hating, and in some cases, Jew-hating loons will show up to speak. To be sure, Amir Abdel Malik Ali will grace us with his loving presence at his "home-away-from home", calling Jews the "new Nazis", declaring his support for Hamas, Hizbollah and Islamic Jihad, and promising death and destruction to Israel if they don't get the Hell out of Palestine.
Perhaps, the hapless "independent scholar with a PHD from Princeton University", Norman Finkelstein, will return-if he dares after being thoroughly embarrassed at UCI this year.

Amazing likeness, wouldn't you say?
If not he, then at least one other person of Jewish heritage will be recruited to lend "legitimacy" to the events.
Probably, we will see radical professors from other universities like Hatem Baziem from Berzerkley or William Robinson, the infamous e-mailer from UC Santa Barbara, who will quote the immortal pronouncements of that international world affairs expert, Noami Klein as his source for whatever absurd statements he makes.

If we are lucky, British clown George Galloway will return to take up another collection for Hamas, just like he did in May of 2009, another black eye for UCI-which resulted in a whitewash-with not a word from the Jewish Federation, by the way.

(That's Georgie in red.)
And of course, we can also look forward to an attempted resolution of divestment from firms doing business with Israel to take up the time and energy of the student government.
And once again, UCI will resume its place as the most notorious campus in the nation when it comes to this ugliness. They have had their few months basking in the sun and accepting congratulations for the initial suspension. Come January 1, 2011, it will be time to start dealing with the brickbats again. 2011 should be a fun year.
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