Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Politics of Genocide

In the old days (before the collapse of the Soviet Union), the first week in May (especially 1 May) the leftists would march down city streets and on campuses shouting: Solidarity with the workers.

Those days are long gone, today the campuses of American schools are not silent, they now hold the annual Kill All The Jews WeekIsrael Is A Nazi State Week.

This is especially true of the University of California at Irvine. The incidences of attacks on Jewish students during and after these events skyrockets. The level of hatred during this event each year soars.

This isn't just some students talking, it is been and continues to be well documented by Gary Fouse of Fousequawk. And also Stand With Us.
The massive "Apartheid Wall" display shows egregious photos that accuse Israel of imprisoning Palestinians and deliberately killing children.

In the Spring of each year, the Muslim Student groups at UC Irvine organize extremist programs that create hatred against Israel, at UC Irvine. This year is certainly no exception, and it begins with the title of the Spring weeks in progress: Israel: The Politics of Genocide.

Photo of Anne Frank, to make the offensive comparison that what happened to Anne Frank by Nazis is happening to the Palestinians today.

UC Irvine has become a testing ground for some of the most hateful programs across North America, contrasting the Palestinian unfortunate experiences in Gaza with the Holocaust,
blaming Israel for all their suffering, never once pointing a finger at the racist doctrine of
radical Islamic groups like Hamas, which calls for the murder of Jews and which has led the Palestinians backwards instead of into the future.

The organizers of anti-Israel events at UC Irvine will never discuss the rockets being launched into Israel from Gaza, or the use of Palestinian human shields by the terrorists in Gaza.They wont tell the student body that they are concerned about the role that Hamas played in forcing Israel into a war last December and January.

Everything is 100% Israel's fault as the story is told by the Muslim students at UC Irvine. They talk about Israel's alleged racism, when they should really be talking about the clearly written racist goals in the charters of Hamas, Hezbollah and Fatah. But they don't.

This year there was a new display, this time of a tank, covered with accusations against Israel as a "Goliath," which helps to abdicate any possible responsibility that the Palestinians (or their poor leadership) might have in the ongoing conflict.

What a shame that students who are not familiar with the history or the facts on the ground in Gaza, will be fed one-sided lies and exaggerations. Too bad that the students at UC Irvine are being poisoned in this manner, and may fall into the trap of believing one-sided, out of context extremist information.

Muslim students used street theater this year to cast one-sided blame on Israel for the death in Gaza during the war that was brought on by the continuous rocket launching from Gaza into Israel.

And too bad, that the UC Irvine administration does not stand up and say, "You have a right to all of this hateful rhetoric, it is your opinion, and falls under the rules of free speech. But this administration condemns the hateful nature and misinformation you are promoting." Too bad. But sadly, that's the way it has been(and still is) at UC Irvine.

This years pro-Israel counter-campaign was designed to remind UC Irvine's students of the racist doctrines of Hamas. StandWithUs congratulates the students at UC Irvine who are working hard to stand up to anti-Semitic lies and misinformation. Yes, they are anti-Semitic lies because the stories being told at UC Irvine allege that Israel deliberately targets Palestinian children and women for death.

StandWithUs is proud to have partnered with the students of UC Irvine to make sure that Israel's voice is heard on campus.
If Israel has been committing genocide, they are doing a very bad job of it. There have been more Arabs born in Gaza and the West Bank in the years between 1967 and today who live past their 5th birthday. For true genocide you need to look at what the Turks did to the Armenians, the Germans did to the Jews, Roma, Homosexuals and anyone else they did not like., the destruction in the Congo, and the ongoing horror that is Darfur. Those were and are examples of true genocide.

Every Muslim is taught that Anne Frank never existed, that the Germans never systematically killed anyone and the Holocaust is a lie. The government of the Netherlands spent millions to
authenticate the diaries she left behind. So for the MSU to use her image is not only wrong, it it is in bad taste. Since all those who knew Anne Frank have died, they will get away with this. It is too bad that her image isn't protected the way Albert Einstein's is.

UC Irvine will continue to hold these hatefests until it is no longer in their best interests to do so, ie. contributions dry up due to them. If you are considering UC Irvine chose another school and let them know why. If you are an Alumni don't donate to the school and let them know the reason why. If we can dry up their funds they will stop these weeks of hate on their campus. It is after all your money, you can chose to donate to the causes you feel best serves your interests.

Does Anti-Semitism serve your interests?

1 comment:

Maggie Thornton said...

Findalis - what a great post! I don't think parents have a clue what is happening at some very high-profile universities.

That picture of Ann Frank is obscene.