Today is Jerusalem Day. The anniversary of the liberation of the old City during the 6-day War. The day in which the city was reunited after 19 long years of separation, 19 long years in which nearly every Jewish synagogue, school, cemetery, or building was destroyed by the Jordanians. 19 long years in which access to the Western Wall, the Kotel (the second holy site in all of Judaism), was denied to Jews. During this period the world said nothing, did nothing to stop the Jordanians from their desecration.
After the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem was captured, the destruction, desecration and systematic looting of Jewish sites began and continued. 57 ancient synagogues (the oldest dated to the 13th century), libraries and centers of religious study were ransacked and 12 were totally and deliberately destroyed. Those that remained standing were defaced, used for housing of both people and animals. The city's foremost Jewish shrine, the Western Wall, became a slum. Appeals were made to the United Nations and in the international community to declare the Old City to be an 'open city' and stop this destruction, but there was no response. This condition continued until Jordan lost control of Jerusalem in June 1967.And yet the world. led by Barack Hussein Obama, is crying out for Israel to "return" Jerusalem to the Arabs. The Arabs claim that there never was a temple in Jerusalem, that the
On the Mount of Olives, the Jordanian Arabs removed 38,000 tombstones from the ancient cemetery and used them as paving stones for roads and as construction material in Jordanian Army camps, including use as latrines. When the area was recaptured by Israel in 1967, graves were found open with the bones scattered. Parts of the cemetery were converted into parking lots, a filling station, and an asphalt road was built to cut through it. The Intercontinental Hotel was built at the top of the cemetery. Sadar Khalil, appointed by the Jordanian government as the official caretaker of the cemetery, built his home on the grounds using the stones robbed from graves. In 1967, the press published extensive photos documenting that Jewish gravestones were found in Jordanian Army camps, such as El Azariya, as well as in Palestinian walkways, steps, bathrooms, and pavement.
The Hurva Synagogue, attributed to Rabbi Moses Ben Nahman (Ramban), was the main synagogue in Jerusalem in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries (and possibly much earlier), until the Ottomans closed it in 1589 because of Muslim incitement. It was burned by Arabs in 1721 (Hurva = destruction in Hebrew), but again rebuilt by Zionists in the 19th century, becoming the most prominent synagogue on the Jerusalem skyline. For that reason, when it was captured by the Arab Legion during the battle for Old Jerusalem in 1948, they dynamited it to show that they controlled the Jewish Quarter. When the Jews in New Jerusalem saw the Hurva burning, they knew that Jewish life in the Quarter had ended (again).
Tamimi is considered the second most important Palestinian cleric after Muhammad Hussein, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.Right. Then the angels did a very poor job for it is structurally unsound.
"Israel started since 1967 making archeological digs to show Jewish signs to prove the relationship between Judaism and the city and they found nothing. There is no Jewish connection to Israel before the Jews invaded in the 1880s," said Tamimi.
"About these so-called two Temples, they never existed, certainly not at the [Temple Mount]," Tamimi said during a sit-down interview in his eastern Jerusalem office.
The Palestinian cleric denied the validity of dozens of digs verified by experts worldwide revealing Jewish artifacts from the First and Second Temples throughout Jerusalem, including on the Temple Mount itself; excavations revealing Jewish homes and a synagogue in a site in Jerusalem called the City of David; or even the recent discovery of a Second Temple Jewish city in the vicinity of Jerusalem.
Tamimi said descriptions of the Jewish Temples in the Hebrew Tanach, in the Talmud and in Byzantine
and Roman writings from the Temple periods were forged, and that the Torah was falsified to claim biblical patriarchs and matriarchs were Jewish when indeed they were prophets for Islam.
"All this is not real. We don't believe in all your versions. Your Torah was falsified. The text as given to the Muslim prophet Moses never mentions Jerusalem. Maybe Jerusalem was mentioned in the rest of the Torah, which was falsified by the Jews," said Tamimi.
He said Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Jesus were "prophets for the Israelites sent by Allah as to usher in Islam."
Asked about the Western Wall, Tamimi said the structure was a tying post for Muhammad's horse and that it is part of the Al Aqsa Mosque, even though the Wall predates the mosque by over 1,000 years.
"The Western wall is the western wall of the Al Aqsa Mosque. It's where Prophet Muhammad tied his animal which took him from Mecca to Jerusalem to receive the revelations of Allah."
The Kotel, or Western Wall, is an outer retaining wall of the Temple Mount that survived the destruction of the Second Temple and still stands today in Jerusalem.
Tamimi went on to claim to WND the Al Aqsa Mosque , which has sprung multiple leaks and has had to be repainted several times, was built by angels.
"Al Aqsa was build by the angels forty years after the building of Al-Haram in Mecca. This we have no doubt is true," he said.
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem (holiest spot on earth for Jews and ranking up there in sanctity also for Christians and Muslims) may soon come partly crashing down.In 1967 Moshe Dayan gave control over the Temple Mount to the Arabs. In the ensuing years they have done nothing to repair or improve the site. Instead they have worked tirelessly to destroy any traces of the 1st and 2nd Temples in an effort to remove any claims Judaism (and to an extent Christianity) has on the site. This has become a central issue to them. Jerusalem was never a Jewish city they claim. Only a few problems with that argument. There are numerous Greek and Roman sources (non-Jewish) that reveal that there was a Temple in Jerusalem, that the Jews prayed at the Temple, and that the Roman general Titus destroyed the Temple in 67 CE. Those sources cannot be disputed since they are considered historical and accurate. What is not accurate is the myth that Muhammad ever prayed at the Temple in Jerusalem. There is no mention of the Temple, or Jerusalem in the Koran. Daniel Pipes has offered $1 million to anyone who can prove it.
Despite appearances, the 35-acre Temple Mount plateau is not a natural formation but a man-made esplanade built centuries ago by stacking one large brick-like rock atop another.
The wall on one side might cave in due to the fact that the Palestinian Authority (PA) has had administrative control over the Temple Mount since the mid-1990s and since then has made many structural changes, all aimed at increasing Muslim claims to the site.
In particular, the PA converted a long-disused space at the southern end, known as Solomon's Stables, into a mosque. In the process, it took down some supports. These alterations weakened the southern wall; an area - 227 square yards of the wall - now bulges out as much as 28 inches.
The PA professes no concern. "This bulge is under our monitoring since the '70s and has neither grown nor shifted in 30 years," says Adnan Husseini, director of the Islamic religious authority (the waqf) that oversees the Temple Mount. "It is stable, we don't feel that there is any dangerous situation."
Knowledgeable Israelis beg to differ. Back in 2001, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) warned that if not treated, the bulge would cause the Temple Mount "irreversible damage."
Today, their warnings are alarmed. That wall is "in danger of collapse," says Shuka Dorfman, head of the IAA.
"It could collapse," says Jerusalem's Mayor Ehud Olmert.
It "will collapse," warns Eilat Mazar, an archaeologist at Hebrew University. "The central issue at present is whether it will collapse on the heads of thousands of people who are praying there, or whether it will be done in a controlled manner."
The moment of truth might come in November. That's the Ramadan holiday, when thousands of Muslim worshipers will aggregate in the mosque at Solomon's Stables. Their weight and movement could cause the southern wall to give way, causing yard-long rocks to come cascading down on them, possibly killing many.
Judging by prior incidents in Jerusalem - the arson at Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969, the opening of a tunnel in 1996 - this disaster would lead at least to wide-scale fighting in Jerusalem and a heated international crisis. If things really went wrong, it could precipitate a wave of violence in Europe and a full-blown Arab-Israeli war.
Jerusalem, the City of Peace, the Holiest place in Judaism will remain a Jewish city, in Jewish (Israeli) hands, now and forever. Thus spoke Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday.
"Unified Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Jerusalem always has been and always will be ours and it will never be divided again," said Prime Minister, to the sounds of roaring applause.
"I stand here today… saying what I said in my visit to the US: Jerusalem will never be divided again. Only Israeli sovereignty over the city would ensure the freedom of religion for the three faiths, and it is the only thing that can guarantee that all minorities and congregations could continue living in it," he said.
One City, Capital of Israel, NOW AND FOREVER!!
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