Tuesday, November 11, 2008

If Not A Smoking Gun, Then What Is?

It seems that the IAEA will go out of its way to ignore the realities of fact and make up their own version of it. Just as the senior diplomats start to write their final report, enriched uranium turns up at the al-Kibar site in Syria. That site that Israel destroyed in September of 2007. The site that Syria claims did not exist.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) found uranium at an alleged secret Syrian nuclear reactor site that was bombed by Israel last year, a diplomat told Deutsche Presse-Agentur in Vienna on Monday.

Another diplomat indicated that IAEA inspectors had found traces of the metal during their first visit to the al-Kibar site in the Syrian desert in June, which the Israeli Air Force bombed in September 2007.

Both diplomats spoke on condition of anonymity.

"It wasn't natural uranium," the Western diplomat said, adding that this indicated it might have been enriched.

While uranium occurs naturally in soil, it has to undergo several chemical processes before it can be used in nuclear reactors.

Syria maintains that Israel bombed a conventional military site that was unrelated to nuclear uses. The finding did not mean that Syria had stored nuclear fuel at al-Kibar, and there were several ways that uranium particles could have ended up there, the second diplomat said.

The contamination could also come from Syria's nuclear research reactor or from its production of phosphoric acid, said David Albright, a non-proliferation expert who heads the ISIS institute in Washington.

In the process of making phosphoric acid, a food additive, metals such as uranium are separated from phosphate rock.

Full Story
I'm sure every nation allows enriched uranium to be used as a food additive. It would really boost the nutrition level and flavor of the food. And just think the health benefits to the users of the products.

If this isn't the smoking gun against Syria, it is certainly very close to it.


Misfit410 said...
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Misfit410 said...

My best impression of UN Weapons inspectors and the liberals that listen to them.

I entered the scene and found large sacks of flour, milk, eggs and sugar. I found an oven preheated to 350º and what appeared to be a mixing bowl with traces of cake batter on it. I found crusty pans that had a pleasant odor of chocolate and a knife in the sink with traces of chocolate frosting...

But we did not find a cake, and we have no reason to believe that any cakes were being baked here.. Bush lied to us.. the Cake is a Lie!!!

Right Truth said...

Misfit makes a great example. These IAEA people, at least a couple of them, are very questionable.

Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth

Rita Loca said...

uranium added to food??? I'm sure it would add some heat...
Misfit thats a good one!