1 Chicken, cleaned and cut up

5-6 Carrots, cleaned and scraped, cut into large pieces
3-4 stalks of Celery, cut into large pieced
a large handful of kosher salt
a small handful of white pepper
2 large handfuls of dried parsley flakes
a pinch of sugar
1. Place the ingredients into a large pot. Pour water of them until covering the ingredients well. Set to a boil. When boiling lower the flame and simmer for 2 hours.
Serve. If you feel up to it you can add Matzoh Balls.
Matzoh Balls
2 eggs slightly beaten
2 tablespoons oil or chicken fat
2 tablespoons soup stock or water
1/2 cup matzah meal
1 teaspoon salt
1. Beat eggs slightly with fork. Add other ingredients, except matzah meal, and mix. Add matzah meal gradually until thick. Stir. Refrigerate for 20 minutes in covered bowl.
2. Wet hands and form into balls. Drop into bubbling chicken soup or into a large wide pot into which 1 quart water seasoned with 1 tablespoon salt has been added and has come to a boil. Cook for 30 minutes.
Yields 4 balls per each 1/4 cup of matzah meal.
Or you can use the Manischewitz Matzo Ball mix. That's what I do.
Hope you feel better soon!
I hope you feel better soon. The Grouch is finally feeling a little better, I have his cold now, I can sympathize with you.
The chicken soup recipe sounds so easy but I'm betting you have made it so many times it would taste better than mine. I may try your recipe this week.
Right Truth
Get well soon.
feel better girly! HAPPY NEW YEAR my friend:)
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