Gary Fouse
President Obama's press conference yesterday was another glaring example of his petulance and arrogance. First, he started off by blaming the Republicans for not caving in on the debt ceiling debate in Congress. He also skirted the edge of reality by claiming that he has "been here" in Washington ready to assist in negotiations or whatever he says he is doing. I guess golf outings count as "being here" in his view. The President also took a swipe at those evil rich people and oil companies, who need to pay more taxes.
“Before we ask our seniors to pay more for health care, before we cut our children’s education,” he said, “it’s only fair to ask an oil company or a corporate jet owner that has done so well to give up that tax break that no other business enjoys.”
As if cutting off deductions for corporate taxes will raise that trillion or so dollars we need.
Isn't it ironic that politicians talk about having to pay our bills when they are spending money that we don't have in the first place? My Dad always told me, "don't incur the bills if you don't have the money". That's why I never got that Mercedes Benz when I was in high school. Seemed to make sense at the time, so I settled for my Dad's hand-me-down 41 Ford.
As for his authorization to continue hostilities in Libya beyond 60 days without congressional approval, he pointed out that no US military personnel have been killed -yet. Therefore bombing a country from off shore ships is not hostilities, I guess. Not that I would mind if one of those missiles landed on Ghaddafi's head, but that hasn't happened yet. But, of course, we have to protect those Libyan civilians from harm at the hands of Ghaddafi's troops, which brings up the question of why we don't have to do the same in Syria. Oh well. Apples and oranges I Guess.
Obama the born again state's righter also praised the decision of the state of New York in approving gay marriage. That's the way things should work, said the President (since the decision was the one he wanted-God only knows what his reaction would have been had the decision gone the other way.) Yet, the President stopped an inch short of saying he now supported gay marriage. His position is "evolving".
But it was another "historic" press conference as the President once again signaled how intransigent he is. Fox News treated it with the respect it deserved. Instead of having any discussion about it, they switched immediately to the Casey Anthony trial in Florida.
Quote of the day!
Je Suis Charlie!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Iran's Big Counter Terror Conference
Gary Fouse
This is straight out of Alice in Wonderland. Iran hosting a counter-terrorism conference!! Be sure and watch the video clip below for a few yuks. From the video, it looks like our old friend, the American wacko rabbi Ysroel Dovid Weiss of Neturei Karta, was in attendance. (In May, he spoke at UC-Irvine on behalf of the Muslim Student Union.) He's always a welcome guest in Iran. He appears to be one of the three clowns with what looks like dead cats lying on their heads.
And what a conference it was! The presidents of Afghanistan, Pakistan (our friends) were there as well as the much-beloved president of the Sudan, he of the international arrest warrant for all the killing of the Darfurians and minor issues like that.
Below: A conference of nose-pickers
"Defeat is not an option."
Can't make this stuff up, folks.
UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, couldn't make it, but he sent his best wishes and congratulations to the conferees as they hammered away at Israel, the US, UK and all those demonic European nations.
Let's say it as it is; this was a conference of nose-pickers from a bunch of 4th-rate countries that are not democratic, most of whom brutalize their own people, and in the case of Iran, are practicioners of terror. Last year, this regime was shooting down peaceful protestors in the streets. Now they are hosting a "counter-terror confererence"?
This is straight out of Alice in Wonderland. Iran hosting a counter-terrorism conference!! Be sure and watch the video clip below for a few yuks. From the video, it looks like our old friend, the American wacko rabbi Ysroel Dovid Weiss of Neturei Karta, was in attendance. (In May, he spoke at UC-Irvine on behalf of the Muslim Student Union.) He's always a welcome guest in Iran. He appears to be one of the three clowns with what looks like dead cats lying on their heads.
And what a conference it was! The presidents of Afghanistan, Pakistan (our friends) were there as well as the much-beloved president of the Sudan, he of the international arrest warrant for all the killing of the Darfurians and minor issues like that.
Below: A conference of nose-pickers
"Defeat is not an option."
-President Zardari of Pakistan
Can't make this stuff up, folks.
UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, couldn't make it, but he sent his best wishes and congratulations to the conferees as they hammered away at Israel, the US, UK and all those demonic European nations.
Let's say it as it is; this was a conference of nose-pickers from a bunch of 4th-rate countries that are not democratic, most of whom brutalize their own people, and in the case of Iran, are practicioners of terror. Last year, this regime was shooting down peaceful protestors in the streets. Now they are hosting a "counter-terror confererence"?
Are They Even American?
I wonder if these idiots even consider themselves American?
The pledge to be recited at council meetings only 4 times a year: 4th of Julyy
,Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, and Flag Day. Why even bother? The city has an anti-American mindset! Signified by the words of 2 of their Councilmembers.
George Brown:n
Betty Taylor:
You can contact the City of Eugene
Compromise on Pledge of Allegiance in Oregon Town Has Some Seeing Red, - Sent via the FOX News Android App. Check out the FOX News Android application. To learn more and download the app, go to
The pledge to be recited at council meetings only 4 times a year: 4th of Julyy
,Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, and Flag Day. Why even bother? The city has an anti-American mindset! Signified by the words of 2 of their Councilmembers.
George Brown:n
"The Pledge has no place at City Hall."
Betty Taylor:
She compared the Pledge to "The Communist Manifesto".
You can contact the City of Eugene
Saturday, June 25, 2011
CAIR No Longer Tax Exempt
Gary Fouse

Nihad Awad, CAIR CEO
Here is something good that happened while I was away; CAIR has lost its IRS tax-exempt status (pending appeal) for not filing the necessary reports for three years. The below report is by the Investigative Project on Terrorism.
One can only wonder how that one slipped through the watchful eyes of the Obama administration. I wouldn't be surprised if wunderkind Tim (Turbo-Tax ) Geithner gets marching orders to rule in CAIR's favor in the appeal.
Now that the unindicted co-conspirators at CAIR have lost their tax-exempt status (pending appeal), look for them to take one of two roads. Either they claim victim status as is their wont or they refuse to say anything about it. (You won't find it on their website.)
Silly me for wondering. Here is the statement from spokeshole Ibrahim Hooper.
"This is a technical paperwork issue that we're dealing with with the IRS -- as 275,000 other groups, including the AARP and major universities," Hooper said, before suggesting that reporting on its lost status was part of an effort to spread anti-Muslim "hate."
Of course.

Nihad Awad, CAIR CEO
Here is something good that happened while I was away; CAIR has lost its IRS tax-exempt status (pending appeal) for not filing the necessary reports for three years. The below report is by the Investigative Project on Terrorism.
One can only wonder how that one slipped through the watchful eyes of the Obama administration. I wouldn't be surprised if wunderkind Tim (Turbo-Tax ) Geithner gets marching orders to rule in CAIR's favor in the appeal.
Now that the unindicted co-conspirators at CAIR have lost their tax-exempt status (pending appeal), look for them to take one of two roads. Either they claim victim status as is their wont or they refuse to say anything about it. (You won't find it on their website.)
Silly me for wondering. Here is the statement from spokeshole Ibrahim Hooper.
"This is a technical paperwork issue that we're dealing with with the IRS -- as 275,000 other groups, including the AARP and major universities," Hooper said, before suggesting that reporting on its lost status was part of an effort to spread anti-Muslim "hate."
Of course.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Columbo Is Dead!
Legendary Hollywood Actor Peter Falk Dead at 83, - Sent via the FOX News Android App. Check out the FOX News Android application. To learn more and download the app, go to
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Or lack of it for the next 2 to 3 weeks. It is Moving Day this weekend!
Laptop is packed, new Desktop will not arrive until after July 4th. But if I can do some, I will be blogging from my Smart Phone.
I do hope my contributors to Monkey in the Middle will pick up the slack until I am fully back on-line.
I do promise to be back on-line and blogging as soon as I can!
Laptop is packed, new Desktop will not arrive until after July 4th. But if I can do some, I will be blogging from my Smart Phone.
I do hope my contributors to Monkey in the Middle will pick up the slack until I am fully back on-line.
I do promise to be back on-line and blogging as soon as I can!
Boxes, boxes everywhere and not a place to sit!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Wednesday's Hero: Homecoming

Aviators assigned to the Sunliners of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 81 walk to greet friends and family members after arriving on the tarmac during a homecoming at Naval Air Station Oceana. VFA-81, part of Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 17, returned home after a deployment aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) to the U.S. 5th and 7th Fleet areas of responsibility.
Photo Courtesy Taken By Mass Communication Specialist Indra Bosko
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives just so others may get to enjoy freedom. For that I am proud to call them Hero.
Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look.
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.

Arab Spring, Israeli Summer
The Arab Spring started on December 17, 2010 in Tunisia, when Mohamed Bouazizi of Sidi Bouzid, a street vendor, set himself on fire to protest the confiscation of his wares and the harassment and humiliation that he reported was inflicted on him by a municipal official and her aides. Using social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, the protesters where able to organize without the government being able to monitor them. Thus the Tunisian government was brought down.
The violence and protests quickly spread to Egypt (Where Mubarak was deposed and the Muslim Brotherhood set to rule in his place.), Jordan (King Abdullah II is fighting to control his nation.), Syria (Assad is ruling with a very iron fist.), Iran (The Mullahs suppressed that revolt very fast.), Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, etc... The whole Middle East is in uproar except for Israel. Until now!
While the Arab world will settle down to their new fate of no freedoms, and Shar'ia Law. Israelis will settle down to cheaper food prices. Especially Cottage Cheese.
The violence and protests quickly spread to Egypt (Where Mubarak was deposed and the Muslim Brotherhood set to rule in his place.), Jordan (King Abdullah II is fighting to control his nation.), Syria (Assad is ruling with a very iron fist.), Iran (The Mullahs suppressed that revolt very fast.), Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, etc... The whole Middle East is in uproar except for Israel. Until now!
A Knesset committee will vote today on a request to ask the State Comptroller to investigate Israel’s cottage cheese prices.OK it is not exactly similar to what is going on in the Arab World, but it is the only Middle East Protest to actually get the results desired and not create another Islamic State.
The Knesset Control Committee will debate today a proposal to ask State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss to look into the behavior of the price supervisory council, in light of the steep increase in the price of dairy products, and especially that of cottage cheese.
The rise in cottage cheese prices have been in the forefront of the news of late, especially the Globes business newsmagazine, which first brought the issue to the fore. Globes has been strongly pushing a grassroots effort to call a nationwide boycott of cottage cheese, beginning July 1. The Globes website in Hebrew for today, for instance, has five front-page articles on the topic and related issues.
“We want the dairy companies, and others, to make their profits in the merit of growth engines such as initiatives and new ideas,” said Committee Chairman MK Carmel Shama (Likud), and not via price coordination of various types and centralization. This current expensive cost-of-living social crisis demands a long-range solution - but also an immediate one.”
Shama also said that the low official inflation rate is misleading, in that basic staples such as housing, water, gas, and basic foodstuffs have in fact risen by “tens of percentage points.”
A spokesman for Tnuva Dairy Company said that the price of cottage cheese has not risen in six months. So what is all the brouhaha now? That’s precisely what MK Ze’ev Elkin of Likud asked in the Knesset last week, when he noted that the Kadima government removed the price controls from cottage cheese no fewer than three years ago, leading to an immediate jump from 4.82 shekels per 250-gram container to 7.15. It was being sold a month ago at around 6.50-7.50 shekels, but several supermarket chains have lowered the price in recent days because of the boycott call.
The boycott leaders explain that their crusade is not only over cottage cheese, but about food prices in general. “How can it be that in Great Britain, soup nuts made by [Israeli food giant] Osem sell for the equivalent of 9 shekels, while here they cost 16? Why does Osem’s Bamba peanut snack costs half as much there as here?”
Full Story
While the Arab world will settle down to their new fate of no freedoms, and Shar'ia Law. Israelis will settle down to cheaper food prices. Especially Cottage Cheese.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Support Israel! Do It For The Gays!
The Biggest Problem Of The World?
If that hasn't convinced you that Israel isn't the source of all evil in the Middle East (And to most progressives The World), perhaps Steven Crowder will.
Now try this.
From the CIA Factbook:
There is a reason I am posting this, check out the stats of any of Israel's neighbors or the rest of the Arab world. From Sanitation to literacy to water use to irrigation to life expectancy you will discover that the "enlightened" Arabs live in squalor, in poverty and without the freedoms that the Declaration of Human Rights demands every nation who is a member of the United Nations is suppose to obey (Except Muslim nations it seems).
What really happened in the Middle East?
Biggest problem in the world? No. Apartment nation? Hated by Muslims and Progressives because the majority of people are Jews? Yes.
If that hasn't convinced you that Israel isn't the source of all evil in the Middle East (And to most progressives The World), perhaps Steven Crowder will.
Now try this.
From the CIA Factbook:
total: 20,770 sq km
country comparison to the world: 153
land: 20,330 sq km
water: 440 sq km
Area - comparative:
slightly larger than New Jersey
Land boundaries:
total: 1,017 km
border countries: Egypt 266 km, Gaza Strip 51 km, Jordan 238 km, Lebanon 79 km, Syria 76 km, West Bank 307 km
273 km
Maritime claims:
territorial sea: 12 nm
continental shelf: to depth of exploitation
temperate; hot and dry in southern and eastern desert areas
Negev desert in the south; low coastal plain; central mountains; Jordan Rift Valley
Elevation extremes:
lowest point: Dead Sea -408 m (Lowest point on the Earth's land surface.)
highest point: Har Meron 1,208 m
Natural resources:
timber, potash, copper ore, natural gas, phosphate rock, magnesium bromide, clays, sand
Land use:
arable land: 15.45%
permanent crops: 3.88%
other: 80.67% (2005)
Irrigated land:
2,250 sq km (2008)
Total renewable water resources:
1.7 cu km (2001)
Freshwater withdrawal (domestic/industrial/agricultural):
total: 2.05 cu km/yr (31%/7%/62%)
per capita: 305 cu m/yr (2000)
Natural hazards:
sandstorms may occur during spring and summer; droughts; periodic earthquakes
Environment - current issues:
limited arable land and natural freshwater resources pose serious constraints; desertification; air pollution from industrial and vehicle emissions; groundwater pollution from industrial and domestic waste, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides
Environment - international agreements:
party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol, Desertification, Endangered Species, Hazardous Wastes, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Wetlands, Whaling signed, but not ratified: Marine Life Conservation
Geography - note:
Lake Tiberias (Sea of Galilee) is an important freshwater source; there are about 355 Israeli civilian sites including about 145 small outpost communities in the West Bank, 41 sites in the Golan Heights, and 32 in East Jerusalem (2010 est.)
7,473,052 (July 2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 96
note: approximately 296,700 Israeli live in Judea and Sumeria (the West Bank, 2009 est.); approximately 19,100 Israeli live in the Golan Heights (2008 est.); approximately 192,800 Israeli settlers live in The Old City of Jerusalem (East Jerusalem, 2008 est.)
Age structure:
0-14 years: 27.6% (male 1,057,113/female 1,008,978)
15-64 years: 62.2% (male 2,358,858/female 2,292,281)
65 years and over: 10.1% (male 331,034/female 424,788) (2011 est.)
Median age:
total: 29.4 years
male: 28.7 years
female: 30.1 years (2011 est.)
Population growth rate:
1.584% (2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 73
Birth rate:
19.24 births/1,000 population (2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 98
Death rate:
5.47 deaths/1,000 population (July 2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 176
Net migration rate:
2.08 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 40
urban population: 92% of total population (2010)
rate of urbanization: 1.5% annual rate of change (2010-15 est.)
Major cities - population:
Tel Aviv-Yafo 3.219 million; Haifa 1.027 million; JERUSALEM (capital) 768,000 (2009)
Infant mortality rate:
total: 4.12 deaths/1,000 live births
country comparison to the world: 200
male: 4.3 deaths/1,000 live births
female: 3.94 deaths/1,000 live births (2011 est.)
Life expectancy at birth:
total population: 80.96 years
country comparison to the world: 17
male: 78.79 years
female: 83.24 years (2011 est.)
HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate:
0.2% (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 101
HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS:
7,500 (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 110
HIV/AIDS - deaths:
fewer than 100 (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 136
Drinking water source:
urban: 100% of population
rural: 100% of population
total: 100% of population (2008)
Sanitation facility access:
urban: 100% of population
rural: 100% of population
total: 100% of population (2008)
Ethnic groups:
Jewish 76.4% (of which Israel-born 67.1%, Europe/America-born 22.6%, Africa-born 5.9%, Asia-born 4.2%), non-Jewish 23.6% (mostly Arab) (2004)
Jewish 75.6%, Muslim 16.9%, Christian 2%, Druze 1.7%, other 3.8% (2008 census)
Hebrew (official), Arabic (used officially for Arab minority), English (most commonly used foreign language)
definition: age 15 and over can read and write
total population: 97.1%male: 98.5%female: 95.9% (2004 est.)
Military branches:
Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Israel Naval Forces (IN), Israel Air Force (IAF) (2010)
Military service age and obligation:
18 years of age for compulsory (Jews, Druzes) and voluntary (Christians, Muslims, Circassians) military service; both sexes are obligated to military service; conscript service obligation - 36 months for enlisted men, 21 months for enlisted women, 48 months for officers; pilots commit to 9 years service; reserve obligation to age 41-51 (men), 24 (women) (2010)
Manpower available for military service:
males age 16-49: 1,797,960
females age 16-49: 1,713,230 (2010 est.)
Manpower fit for military service:
males age 16-49: 1,517,510
females age 16-49: 1,446,132 (2010 est.)
Manpower reaching militarily significant age annually:
male: 62,304
female: 59,418 (2010 est.)
Military expenditures:
7.3% of GDP (2006)
country comparison to the world: 6
Following World War II, the British withdrew from their mandate of Palestine, and the UN partitioned the area into Arab and Jewish states, an arrangement rejected by the Arabs. Subsequently, the Israelis defeated the Arabs in a series of wars without ending the deep tensions between the two sides. The territories Israel occupied since the 1967 war are not included in the Israel country profile, unless otherwise noted. On 25 April 1982, Israel withdrew from the Sinai pursuant to the 1979 Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty. In keeping with the framework established at the Madrid Conference in October 1991, bilateral negotiations were conducted between Israel and Palestinian representatives and Syria to achieve a permanent settlement. Israel and Palestinian officials signed on 13 September 1993 a Declaration of Principles (also known as the "Oslo Accords") guiding an interim period of Palestinian self-rule. Outstanding territorial and other disputes with Jordan were resolved in the 26 October 1994 Israel-Jordan Treaty of Peace. In addition, on 25 May 2000, Israel withdrew unilaterally from southern Lebanon, which it had occupied since 1982. In April 2003, US President BUSH, working in conjunction with the EU, UN, and Russia - the "Quartet" - took the lead in laying out a roadmap to a final settlement of the conflict by 2005, based on reciprocal steps by the two parties leading to two states, Israel and a democratic Palestine. However, progress toward a permanent status agreement was undermined by Israeli-Palestinian violence between September 2003 and February 2005. In the summer of 2005, Israel unilaterally disengaged from the Gaza Strip, evacuating settlers and its military while retaining control over most points of entry into the Gaza Strip. The election of HAMAS to head the Palestinian Legislative Council froze relations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA). Ehud OLMERT became prime minister in March 2006 and presided over a 34-day conflict with Hizballah in Lebanon in June-August 2006 and a 23-day conflict with HAMAS in the Gaza Strip during December 2008 and January 2009. OLMERT, who in June 2007 resumed talks with PA President Mahmoud ABBAS, resigned in September 2008. Prime Minister Binyamin NETANYAHU formed a coalition in March 2009 following a February 2009 general election. Direct talks launched in September 2010 collapsed following the expiration of Israel's 10-month partial settlement construction moratorium in the West Bank. Diplomatic initiatives to revive the negotiations through proximity talks began at the end of 2010.
There is a reason I am posting this, check out the stats of any of Israel's neighbors or the rest of the Arab world. From Sanitation to literacy to water use to irrigation to life expectancy you will discover that the "enlightened" Arabs live in squalor, in poverty and without the freedoms that the Declaration of Human Rights demands every nation who is a member of the United Nations is suppose to obey (Except Muslim nations it seems).
What really happened in the Middle East?
Biggest problem in the world? No. Apartment nation? Hated by Muslims and Progressives because the majority of people are Jews? Yes.
You have the facts, use them wisely!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Yelena Bonner, Dead at 88
It is with sorrow that I announce the departure from this world of a champion of Human Freedom and Human Dignity: Yelena Bonner 88, widow of Andrei Sakharov.
In May of 2009 I wrote how she condemned the world's silence about Gilad Shalit while condemning Israel for every imaginary action the Arabs accuse them of. She spoke at the Oslo Freedom Forum and said this:
My prayers and thoughts are with her family at this time of sorrow for them.
Yelena G. Bonner, the Russian human rights activist who was the widow of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Andrei D. Sakharov and came under repression by the secret police, died of heart failure in Boston on Saturday, according to the Associated Press.
Mrs. Bonner, decorated for valor and wounds during World War II, was 88. She had been hospitalized since Feb. 21, her daughter Tatiana Yankelevich told the AP.
Mrs. Bonner was a founder of one of the most active rights groups in the Soviet dissident movement of the 1970s, the Helsinki Monitoring Committee. The organization, which for a time disbanded in 1982 after most of its members were jailed for political crimes against the state, sought to publicize Soviet violations of human rights guarantees made when Moscow signed the 1975 Helsinki Agreement on European Cooperation and Security.
The Helsinki Act recognized Soviet hegemony in Eastern Europe in return for Soviet assurance to nurture fundamental freedoms, such as free speech, assembly and religion.
The Helsinki Act caused numerous unofficial rights groups to form, and they became an unusual phenomenon in the life of the Soviet capital in the mid-1970s. There were groups delving into invalids' rights, religious oppression, political abuse of psychiatry, workers' rights and emigration demands.
Mrs. Bonner signed hundreds of zayevlenie, or statements, supporting victims of KGB reprisals. She and her husband traveled through Siberia and remote parts of Russia, visiting courtrooms and jails to aid imprisoned activists.
By the decade's end, however, many activists were in prison or labor camps. The luckier were expelled from Russia or sent into internal exile far from Moscow. Mr. Sakharov was arrested in January 1980, and was confined to Gorky, 250 miles east of Moscow. Mrs. Bonner had a special status as wife of Mr. Sakharov, the father of the Soviet hydrogen bomb. She was allowed to travel to Moscow until May 1984, when the KGB detained her in Gorky on allegations she had committed anti-state crimes.
During a period of reform under Mikhail Gorbachev, the couple was allowed to return to Moscow in 1986, where they pressed on with their calls for greater freedom and revived the monitoring committee.
Mrs. Bonner’s activism entered a new phase after Mr. Sakharov died in 1989 and the Soviet Union collapsed two years later.
She went on to promote human rights in the post-Soviet era by challenging President Boris Yeltsin’s and President Vladimir Putin’s government.
When a petition circulated in 2010 calling for Putin to step down, Mrs. Bonner was among the first to sign it.
Mrs. Bonner was physically striking, with a robust frame, a no-nonsense voice deepened by years of chain-smoking acrid Russian cigarettes. She frequently wore heavy wool shawls, accentuating her swarthy features.
Born Feb. 15, 1923, Mrs. Bonner's father was Gevork Alikhanyan, an Armenian Bolshevik revolutionary who once was party chief in Armenia. Her mother, Ruf Bonner, was the daughter of a Jewish family born into Siberian exile.
Stalin's secret police arrested and shot her father in 1937, then sent her mother to slave labor camp as “the wife of an enemy of the people.” Elena and her younger brother lived with relatives for years. She became a Red Army nurse during World War II. She was badly wounded during the siege of Leningrad and almost lost her eyesight later when a German plane strafed the medical train on which she was tending wounded soldiers.
After the war, she married Ivan Semyonov, a doctor, and they had two children. Mrs. Bonner lived in Iraq for two years as part of a Soviet medical team there. She was divorced in the early 1960s and married Mr. Sakharov a decade later.
Mrs. Bonner’s activism prompted threats against her family, leading her mother, son, daughter and two grandchildren to move to Boston in the 1970s, according to the Associated Press. In the mid-1980s, she visited the city for medical treatment and then returned home.
In increasingly poor heath, she spent more time on her visits to Boston in recent years, according to the AP. Her daughter said her remains will be cremated and buried next to her husband, mother and brothers in Moscow.
Full Story
In May of 2009 I wrote how she condemned the world's silence about Gilad Shalit while condemning Israel for every imaginary action the Arabs accuse them of. She spoke at the Oslo Freedom Forum and said this:
And yet I still think (and some will find this naïve) that the first tiny, but real step toward peace must become the release of Shalit. Release - and not his exchange for 1,000 or 1,500 prisoners who are in Israeli prisons serving court sentences for real crimes.Ever the voice of freedom, she will be missed.
Returning to my question of why human rights activists are silent, I can find no answer except that Shalit is an Israeli soldier, Shalit is a Jew. So again, it is conscious or unconscious anti-Semitism. Again, it is fascism.
Thirty-four years have passed since the day when I came to this city to represent my husband, Andrei Sakharov, at the 1975 Nobel Prize ceremony. I was in love with Norway then. The reception I received filled me with joy. Today, I feel Alarm and Hope (the title Sakharov used for his 1977 essay written at the request of the Nobel Committee).
Alarm because of the anti-Semitism and anti-Israeli sentiment growing throughout Europe and even further afield. And yet, I hope that countries, their leaders, and people everywhere will recall and adopt Sakharov’s ethical credo: “In the end, the moral choice turns out to be also the most pragmatic choice."
My prayers and thoughts are with her family at this time of sorrow for them.
Happy Father's Day!!
A few words:
To all of my readers who have the job of being a father, have a fun-filled, happy day.
You were always there to comfort me when the scary monsters came.
You diapered me and fed me, even through the Big Game.
You never let me feel as if I wasn't good enough.
You held my hand, and walked me through life's hard bumps.
Today is your day to do whatever you want to.
So I'll hide Mom's honey-do list, and wash the car for you.
To all of my readers who have the job of being a father, have a fun-filled, happy day.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Dry Run?
Before the attacks of 9/11 Mohammad Atta and the others did a few trial exercises to determine if they could actually succeed in their plan or if the authorities were inoperative and thus their plan would succeed. The US and world discovered that in fact the authorities were asleep on the job and 3000 people lost their lives that day.
In the last 10 years the terrorists have been probing our security, our defenses in an effort to cause another attack with similar or greater damage. Between new security methods and an alert population, they haven't been able to succeed. Yet they try.
Could this be the latest in dry runs?
Notice how the media calls Melaku deranged. They are right. You have to be deranged to try and blow up a cemetery or the Pentagon. Just like Nicky Reilly who was convinced to bomb a restaurant in London. The bomb was a dud.
It is only a matter of time before there is a failure of security and another terrorist attack. Let us just pray that it doesn't end with a loss of life or limb.
In the last 10 years the terrorists have been probing our security, our defenses in an effort to cause another attack with similar or greater damage. Between new security methods and an alert population, they haven't been able to succeed. Yet they try.
Could this be the latest in dry runs?
The man in custody for carrying a backpack with "suspicious items and products" inside Arlington National Cemetery overnight is a U.S. Marine Corps reservist, military and law enforcement sources tell Fox News.Congressman Peter King (R, NY) has been holding hearings this week on how prisons are turning Muslim inmates radical. I wonder if Muslims in the Military like Yonathan Melaku are being turned into radicals at one of the numerous Mosques in the US that promote a strict adherence to Islam? Mosques that were attended by the 9/11 hijackers and Nidal Malik Hasan? Mosques that promote peace and understanding to the non-Muslim, but teach hatred and bigotry to their members. Or is he just following the suggestion of Adam Gadahn who has been encouraging American Muslims to slaughter their non-Muslim neighbors.
Yonathan Melaku, a Lance Corporal Marine corps reservist who lives in Virginia and who is Muslim, has been identified as the suspect in custody, Fox News has learned.
Sources close to the investigation also said a notebook believed to belong to the man was found containing threatening phrases like "Al Qaeda," "Taliban rule" and "defeated coalition forces."
Authorities said Friday they are investigating the man, whom they did not name, after he was found inside Arlington Cemetery overnight when the cemetery was closed.
FBI special agent Brenda Heck said during a press conference Friday that the man, described as in his 20's, had a backpack containing a "non-explosive, unknown material" that she said will require further investigation.
"The products in the backpack are inert," Heck said, though she described its contents as suspicious.
Though the man was "not forthcoming" when taken into custody, Heck said authorities later found his red 2011 Nissan near the Pentagon. She said authorities found "no suspicious activity" related to the vehicle.
Melaku, who lives in Alexandria, Va., joined as a reservist in August 2007 but military officials say he never deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan.
Law enforcement officials also told Fox News that police found five pounds of a substance labeled ammonium nitrate inside the backpack -- field tests, however, came back negative.
Heck would not confirm reports that a notebook was found, saying only that the investigation is still unfolding.
Heck went on to say that the man is believed to have acted alone and remains in custody. No charges have been filed against him, she said.
According to the Leesburg Police Department, a person with the same name and date of birth was arrested last month for breaking into vehicles at around 3:30 a.m. on May 26 in Leesburg, Va. Twenty-seven vehicles were damaged during the break-ins, according to police.
Notice how the media calls Melaku deranged. They are right. You have to be deranged to try and blow up a cemetery or the Pentagon. Just like Nicky Reilly who was convinced to bomb a restaurant in London. The bomb was a dud.
It is only a matter of time before there is a failure of security and another terrorist attack. Let us just pray that it doesn't end with a loss of life or limb.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Funny How These Things Happen.
Hat tip Israel Matzav
Golda Meir once said:
Look at the map on the left. You see the oil is in Israel but not in Judea, Samaria or Gaza. Just within the 67 borders. Ironic isn't it. In fact without the Jews being in Judea, Samaria there wouldn't be any real agriculture. Just look at Gaza. The Jews left in 2005 and the Arabs destroyed the Greenhouses (twice) that would have made them a major exporter of produce (The way the Israelis were before 2005.).
Before 2005:
After the Arabs took over:
A big difference.
So now we can expect for Barack Hussein Obama to demand that all Jews leave Israel proper and live only in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. That way the Arabs can keep their monopoly of oil.
Golda Meir once said:
Let me tell you something that we Israelis have against Moses. He took us 40 years through the desert in order to bring us to the one spot in the Middle East that has no oil!She was wrong! It seems that Israel has plenty of oil. In fact as much or even more oil than Saudi Arabia. That makes Israel a major player in the game.
The World Energy Council has determined that about 30 miles southwest of Jerusalem, in the Shfela Basin, there are oil shale deposits with the potential to yield 250 billion barrels of oil. This represents the world’s third-largest quantity of oil shale behind the US and China. notes that both those countries would consume almost all their own production, so Israel could conceivably become the world’s largest exporter of shale oil.
The map to the left is from the US Geological Survey. The red stars represent oil shale deposits, which as you can see are scattered across sovereign Israel and Jordan. None were detected in the West Bank or Gaza.
Saudi Arabia’s proven oil reserves are 260 billion barrels, so we would appear to be in the running as an energy giant — particularly in view of the enormous natural gas finds at the Tamar and Leviathan fields. But there’s quite a distance yet to travel. For one thing, extracting oil from shale isn’t the same as drilling it out of the ground. It’s more difficult and more expensive.
Some serious minds are on the case, though. The Wall Street Journal reported two months ago that Harold Vinegar, perhaps the leading authority on the extraction of oil from shale, is heading up a start-up in Jerusalem called Israel Energy Initiatives (IEI). Larry Solomon, global warming skeptic and executive director of Canadian environmental agency Energy Probe, told Sun News this week that Vinegar’s team is backed by several powerful and motivated figures, including Dick Cheney, Baron Rothschild, and Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch holds a 0.5% stake in Genie Energy, IEI’s U.S.-based parent company.
Both the Journal and Sun News point out that while oil shale extraction was once uneconomical, two factors have altered that picture: the oil price has gone way up, and the Israeli team has figured out a way of extracting the oil for about $35-40 a barrel.
According to Vinegar, Israel has several other advantages besides its proprietary extraction technique. In Colorado, for instance, there is an aquifer that runs right through the shale. In Israel, the aquifer is hundreds of feet below it. Also, the Israeli deposits are believed to be extremely rich, with the potential to yield 23-25 gallons of oil per ton.
Still, it will take years of planning and billions of dollars before any of this comes to fruition. IEI is still awaiting its first permit, and as an Israeli citizen who waited three years for a permit to build a little house, my sympathies go out to IEI’s investors. But in view of the recent disruption of our natural gas imports from Egypt and the cutoff of our Russian oil imports when we were at war with Hezbollah in 2006, there is some urgency to our achievement of energy independence. And once the technology is up and running, it’s entirely conceivable that we’ll become a significant net energy exporter.
Look at the map on the left. You see the oil is in Israel but not in Judea, Samaria or Gaza. Just within the 67 borders. Ironic isn't it. In fact without the Jews being in Judea, Samaria there wouldn't be any real agriculture. Just look at Gaza. The Jews left in 2005 and the Arabs destroyed the Greenhouses (twice) that would have made them a major exporter of produce (The way the Israelis were before 2005.).
Before 2005:
After the Arabs took over:
A big difference.
So now we can expect for Barack Hussein Obama to demand that all Jews leave Israel proper and live only in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. That way the Arabs can keep their monopoly of oil.
Coupons For Gas
I didn't realize it, but these coupons are good for one gallon of gas at most retailers. I have seen them around, but until recently never took advantage of them, I never realized their actual worth.
You probably have one or two just lying around somewhere, now is the time to use them before they lose their value, and it's too late!!
You probably have one or two just lying around somewhere, now is the time to use them before they lose their value, and it's too late!!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Islam Speaks
Let us give a hardy welcome to a new blog:
Islam Speaks
Their mission statement says it all:
Islam Speaks
Their mission statement says it all:
This site is about Islam and NOT Muslims. Well, on occasion we may point out the religious hypocrisy of the most staunch radicals, but we intend to stay focused here on Islam itself.Check this site out. It was recommended and welcomed on Jihad Watch.
If there is anyone thinking of converting to Islam or you know someone thinking about it, please show them this site so that they may be aware of some of the superstitious and frankly stupid teachings that are both in the Quran and the Hadith. Most people that convert are unaware of these texts. (So are those born into it for that matter)
On the other hand, many Muslim “du’aat” (callers to Islam) love to tout the “perfection” of Islam in making their case to those they are trying to convert. And many end up converting with only a small picture of what Islam really is. Some even teach how to get an unsuspecting person to “take shahada” (i.e., convert to Islam) in just TEN MINUTES!!
However, if one reads the traditional sources of Islam (Qur’an, Hadith, Tafseer, etc) one will find that it is far from “perfect”. However, doing the proper research into Islam takes a lot more than the ten minutes the da’ee may give you!
This is our humble effort to get the information “out there” on the internet to those researching Islam so that those thinking of converting are not taken in by these charlatan “du’aat”
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Good News For The Giffords
Breaking News!!!!!!!!!!
Arizona Rep. has been released from a Houston hospital, five months after being shot in the head during a Tucson political event.
A release from the Houston hospital where Giffords has been undergoing rehab says the congresswoman is moving to her husband's home in League City 26 miles south of Houston.
Read more here.
Don't let anyone tell you that G-d doesn't do miracles. Her very life and continuing good health is proof of it.
And proof of the power of prayer.
May Rep. Gifford continue to recover and enjoy the blessing of good health.
May Rep. Gifford continue to recover and enjoy the blessing of good health.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Tornado Damge: Its Official...the results are in...Damage Assessment Minimal, Your house is still livable (best news I've heard all day!)
Hat Tip Storm'n Norm'n
Oh now I get it...Katrina was a big, big, big storm...and this was just a little ole tornado.
Oh now I get it...Katrina was a big, big, big storm...and this was just a little ole tornado.
Broken Bible Belt: Homes in Ruins From Tornadoes Denied Aid by FEMA for ‘Insufficient Damage’
Jefferson County resident Jonathan Stewart said he laughed in shock after the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) claimed the house his family lost in the deadly April 27 twister was ‘not unsafe to live in’.Isn't this just like the Obama Administration. Such compassion, such generosity. I guess if these families were Black or Hispanic the money would flow down to them like the river Jordan. But these are just white, middle-class families. They will just have to shut up and pay the piper so to speak. I do hope these folks remember this when November 6, 2012 arrives.
Displaced families in tornado-ravaged Alabama are outraged after being denied federal aide to rebuild their flattened homes – due to ‘insufficient damage’.
The devastating reality is the house is now a concrete slab surrounded by rubble.
Mr Stewart told a FEMA inspector saw first-hand the Pleasant Grove residence he shared with his wife, Lisa, and their two children was ripped from the ground.
Three days after the visit, however, he received a letter reading: ‘Based on your FEMA inspection, we have determined that the disaster has not caused your home to be unsafe to live in.
‘Although the disaster may have caused some minor damage it is reasonable to expect you or your landlord to make these repairs. At this time you are not eligible for FEMA housing assistance.’
Mr Stewart told the website: ‘Lisa and I looked at the letter and laughed.’
While he has since found out his insurance coverage will replace his house, the family is not alone.
Lashunta Tabb’s home 15 miles away in North Smithfield Manor was stripped of its siding, and more than half of her roof blew off with tornado-force winds.
She too, received a letter claiming there was ‘insufficient damage’ – the number one reason in Alabama the people are determined ineligible for FEMA grants, worth up to $30,200.
It is not yet known how many Alabama tornado victims received the letter.
FEMA deputy branch director for individual assistance Lynda Lowe said finding of insifficient damage are often correct, and many of those who filed for assistance did not have damage.
FEMA officials encourage whose who believe they were wrongly declared ineligible to file for an appeal through local disaster recovery centres.
Spokesman Renee Bafalis said: ‘If you have a question why you received a determination of ineligibility, go in there and let them look it up and help you file an appeal.’
A report issued on Wednesday, however, revealed few disaster victims follow through.
It showed less than one percent of the 25,081 applicants initially declared ineligible for any reason had appealed, leaving the potential for millions of dollars in federal aide to go unclaimed.
An applicant has 60 days from the date of the determination letter to appeal.
It was not known at press time how many applicants were declared ineligible in Alabama due to insufficient damage. However, similar findings have occurred after nearly every recent disaster.
When a disaster victim applies for a FEMA grant, an inspector is dispatched to the applicant’s property.
Inspectors carry laptops connected to a database called NEMIS (National Emergency Management Information System), which guides them through measuring rooms and assessing damage.
Items marked for repair or replacement are priced depending on the geographic region.
Letters are issued based on the computerised report, telling an applicant whether he qualifies for FEMA assistance.
An applicant has 60 days from the date of the determination letter to appeal.
What qualifies as ‘insufficient damage’ remains unclear.
A pending lawsuit accusing FEMA of improperly denying thousands of farm workers in Texas money to repair their homes after Hurricane Dolly struck in 2008 based on the insufficient damage finding claims that FEMA used a concept called ‘deferred maintenance’ to back the rejections.
Deferred maintenance is not referenced in any regulation, Jerry Wesevich, an attorney with Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid who represents the plaintiffs, told
Mr Wesevich described deferred maintenance as a ‘shorthand term that FEMA uses when it determines somehow that a condition of a home prior to the disaster caused the damage after the storm’.
An Alabama inspectors’ coordinator for FEMA said deferred maintenance is no longer used in assessing damage, although there is a place for inspectors to note ‘pre-existing’ conditions.
Broken Bible Belt: Homes In Ruins From Tornadoes Denied Aid By FEMA For 'Insufficient Damage'
Full Story
Monday, June 13, 2011
Obama Gives Netanyahu Ultimatum...Sign On To Pre-1967 Lines In 30 Days or Else....

Cross posted from Holger Awakens
Words defy the gall of this U.S. President as it is being reported that an ultimatum has been sent by the U.S. to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding Netanyahu's need to act on the platform proposed by Obama.
Here's the brief story from The Jerusalem Post.
p.s. I expect strong action by Congress within 24 hours of this. Rein this loose cannon in. Now.
(Hat Tip: Sloop)
Report: US gives Netanyahu ultimatum on resuming talks
The United States gave Netanyahu an ultimatum on renewing negotiations with the Palestinians, according to reports cited by Israel Radio Sunday morning.
According to the ultimatum, Netanyahu has to decide within a month whether he agrees to accept US President Barack Obama's platform and resume talks based on 1967 lines.
Meanwhile, Netanyahu was expected to travel to Italy on Sunday where he will meet his Italian counterpart Silvio Berlusconi.
The Eternal Covenant
Hat tip to Chabad
In light of the upcoming vote in San Francisco to ban circumcision, I discovered this little gem. It speaks volumes of why Jews find this law abhorrent and a slap in the face to each of us.
In light of the upcoming vote in San Francisco to ban circumcision, I discovered this little gem. It speaks volumes of why Jews find this law abhorrent and a slap in the face to each of us.
![]() With every mitzvah we bind ourselves to G-d. Except brit milah. When a Jew is circumcised, G-d binds Himself to him with an eternal covenant. Thus is the Law of Moses, the Law of Israel. Since Father Abraham until today, we have not broken the covenant. When the Greeks forbade us, we went to war and won (Ever wonder why the Maccabees went to war?). Under persecution and pogroms the covenant was kept. During the horrors of the Holocaust and the repression of the Soviet System, the covenant was kept. When not circumcising our sons would make it easier for them to achieve success, the covenant was kept. And if Matthew Hess and Lloyd Schofield get their wish and ban circumcision from the city of San Francisco in the hopes of destroying the Jewish people, they will be surprised. For we will fill the jails but NEVER DESTROY THE ETERNAL COVENANT WITH G-D! In every generation there are those who come to destroy us. We are still here, they have gone. |
This Is What A Two-State Solution Will Look Like!
On Friday, right after prayers, Muslim men attacked worshipers at the Kotel. This was a totally unprovoked attack upon unarmed worshipers. But to the Religion of Peace and their supporters, they are Jews and therefore fair game for attack.
Muslims threw rocks at Jewish worshipers praying at the Kotel after Friday’s Muslim prayers. No one was reported hurt.Friday it was rocks, this coming Friday it could be bullets. How can any nation even think of negotiations with such people?
The incident was captured on the Western Wall Keritage Fund’s Kotel cam, which transmits live video of the Kotel Plaza over the Internet. Worshipers at the Men's Section are seen scattering and returning to the Wall a short time later.
The violence occurred after security forces decided to allow Muslims under the age of 50 to participate in the Friday prayers. Usually, men younger than 45 or 50 are barred from praying on the Mount if there is an intelligence assessment that riots are being planned.
Police stormed into the Mount, used means of riot dispersal against the Muslim attackers and arrested three of them.
The Palestinian Authority has demanded control of the Temple Mount be handed over to it, and there have been reports that U.S. President Barack Obama supports this idea. However, incidents like the one on Friday have convinced many in Israel that the Muslims would not honor the rights of other religions if they were given power over the holy sites.
Veteran Jerusalemites have testified that before Jordan occupied the Wall in 1948, Arabs had a habit of intentionally driving their donkeys through the crowd of Jewish worshipers at the Kotel in order to harass and humiliate them. Arabs have also repeatedly ransacked the Tomb of Joseph in Shechem and recently gunned down a Jewish man who had come to pray there.
Full Story
Friday, June 10, 2011
An Israeli Fable
I received this in my inbox and thought you would love to read it.
Be careful of what you wish for, you might get your wish.
Iran has crossed the nuclear threshold and is testing its Shihab-3 long-range missile. King Ahmadinejad has just delivered a TV address in which he celebrates Iranian invincibility and lets it be known that he has no intention of sparing the Zionist entity. The United States has issued a carefully-worded reproof while at the same time extending the hand of peace and assuring its allies that containment, sanctions and dialogue remain the best policies under the circumstances. But no one in Israel sees a silver lining in a mushroom cloud and all prepare for the inevitable. Fearing abandonment from above, the rabbis raise their voices as one, in humble prayer to the God of Israel.
And lo! their prayers are miraculously answered, for the Lord has taken pity on His suffering people at last and His heart has softened. An iridescent rainbow arches across the sky and suddenly the Heavens open and a golden stairway reaches from Jerusalem to the empyrean. A Voice is heard over all Israel commanding, “Come, My people! Hearken to My Word!” And one by one, family by family, neighborhood by neighborhood, religious and secular, scholar and laborer, leftist and rightist find themselves in Jerusalem, as if Time had contracted to an eternal instant, and all proceed to climb the golden staircase into the Lord’s beneficent embrace.
A silence covers the land. A heavenly wind arises, the earth begins to shake, and cities, villages, farms and buildings vanish as if they had never been. Not even a Starbucks remains. In the twinkling of an eye gardens, groves, orchards, greenhouses, vineyards, every cultivated field, all the work of industrious Jewish hands turn back to desert and malarial swampland, leaving only desolate hamlets and clumps of shriveled lemons and puckered olives. Bewildered Palestinians, foreign journalists, NGOs and European plenipotentiaries look about in stunned disbelief for there is nothing there any longer to slake their enmity—except locusts, mosquitoes, drought and barrenness, as it was before the great aliyah. Even the tree and the stone are perplexed at the disappearance of the Jew hiding behind them, sheltering from Abdullah who is equally nonplussed.
At the same time, the world’s infrastructure collapses. Every Israeli invention that has ever been adopted by mankind—cell phone components, computer algorithms, firewalls, voice mail, wireless LAN, search engines, SMS (texting), video platforms, desalination plants, insect control methods, agricultural drip technologies, medical applications, chemical discoveries and more, indescribably more—cease to exist. The world is bereft. The nations send up a plaintive wail. The General Assembly disbands for lack of a purpose. The United Nations Human Rights Council packs up and goes home, as does the Organization of the Islamic Conference. There is nothing left for them to do. In despair, men look about for someone to blame but find only themselves and their cankered resentments. Even Iran has begun to tremble.
The Jews in Heaven look down and are overcome with sorrow. They plead with the Lord to forgive erring humankind but His heart has now hardened. Men will reap the desert, winnow the dust and harvest destitution. Then the gates of Heaven close, although the jubilant strains of Havah Nagilah sung by the choir of angels can still be discerned, growing ever fainter.
King Ahmadinejad sits forlornly on his throne, pining for the bomb he would lovingly stroke before bedtime to inspire his dreams. It too has evaporated. Beside him, the Hidden Imam, the Mahdi, who has chosen this moment to make his long-deferred appearance, with a mixture of fury and resignation addresses the hapless monarch. His words echo in King Ahmadinejad’s ears.
“Why couldn’t you wait, you idiot?”
These People MUST Have Whores For Mothers!!!!!!!!!!
There are some groups, some events that protesting at is not only in bad taste, it brings bad publicity to your cause. This is especially true for Union members, such as the ones in Wisconsin.
Several protesters in zombie makeup injected themselves into a Special Olympics ceremony in Wisconsin this week when they walked in front of Gov. Scott Walker and stood between him and the group of athletes he was paying tribute to in front of the state Capitol.
The silent protest immediately brought to mind the ongoing fight over union rights that led to three weeks of rowdy demonstrations at the state Capitol in the spring that paralyzed Wisconsin's government as Senate Democrats fled to Illinois in an unsuccessful attempt to block a vote.
Yet the protest on Wednesday appeared to be unrelated. Earlier in the day, a statewide student organization held what it calls an educational event on the opposite side of the Capitol on a new voter ID law that it says will make it harder for students to vote. The United Council of UW Students provided zombie makeup and T-shirts that read, "Students are as good as dead."
But the group disavowed any connection to the protest at the Special Olympics.
"We in no way condone that," spokesman Matt Guidry told"The event is all about athletes. It shouldn't be politicized."
Guidry said a few students who were at the earlier event may have protested Walker when they saw him speaking. But he added that it's hard to know for sure since no group has claimed responsibility for it.
For his part, Walker didn't allow the protesters to distract him.
"The Special Olympics is about the cheer and the joy and the passion the attorney general was just talking about of our Special Olympians," he said in his remarks that were posted on YouTube by the MacIver Institute. "That's what the focus should be on. That's exactly what we're talking about today."
In a statement to, Walker spokesman Cullen Werwie said, "While it's unfortunate the protestors chose that venue, Gov. Walker was happy to promote the Special Olympics yesterday where he spoke at the opening ceremonies, and this morning where he kicked off the 25th annual law enforcement torch run."
The Special Olympics did not respond to a request for comment.
Walker has drawn the wrath of liberals over his new union law that requires nearly all public workers to contribute more to their health care and pensions and eliminates most of their collective bargaining power. Walker says the law is necessary to help close a $3.6 billion budget shortfall.
But the law is in limbo after a judge blocked it, prompting state attorneys to ask the state Supreme Court to intervene.
There were protesters outside Wednesday's ceremony holding signs that appeared to address the union issue. One sign read, "Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining."
Nothing is sacred to these people. Everything is "fair game", no group, no cause is out of bounds for their hateful protests.
Of course the MSM is quiet on this. But if the Tea Party had done this, it would have been all over every media outlet for days. The #1 story.
The people of Wisconsin deserve better than the what these Union whoresons are giving them. They MUST make their voices heard and known to their elected officials, the local papers, and to the unions themselves.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Wednesday's Hero: Fort Carson Soldiers

Soldiers render salutes through a rendition of taps during a ceremony May 26 at the Mountain Post Warrior Memorial. Fort Carson honors the lives lost in support of Overseas Contingency Operations by adding names to the memorial stones.
Photo Courtesy Taken By Dustin Senger
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives just so others may get to enjoy freedom. For that I am proud to call them Hero.
Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look.
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Shavout 5771
From Chabad:
The Torah was given by G‑d to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai more than 3300 years ago. Every year on the holiday of Shavuot we renew our acceptance of G‑d's gift, and G‑d "re-gives" the Torah.
The word Shavuot means "weeks." It marks the completion of the seven-week counting period between Passover and Shavuot.
The giving of the Torah was a far-reaching spiritual event-one that touched the essence of the Jewish soul for all times. Our sages have compared it to a wedding between G‑d and the Jewish people. Shavuot also means "oaths," for on this day G‑d swore eternal devotion to us, and we in turn pledged everlasting loyalty to Him.
The holiday of Shavuot is a two-day holiday, beginning at sundown of the 5th of Sivan and lasting until nightfall of the 7th of Sivan. (In Israel it is a one-day holiday, ending at nightfall of the 6th of Sivan.)
- Women and girls light holiday candles to usher in the holiday, on both the first and second evenings of the holidays.
- It is customary to stay up all night learning Torah on the first night of Shavuot.
- All men, women and children should go to the synagogue on the first day of Shavuot to hear the reading of the Ten Commandments.
- As on other holidays, special meals are eaten, and no "work" may be performed.
- It is customary to eat dairy foods on Shavuot. Among other reasons, this commemorates the fact that upon receiving the Torah, including the kosher laws, the Jewish people could not cook meat in their pots, which had yet to be rendered kosher.
- On the second day of Shavuot, the Yizkor memorial service is recited.
- Some communities read the Book of Ruth publicly, as King David-whose passing occurred on this day-was a descendant of Ruth the Moabite.
Here is a good recipe for Blintzes:
Blintzes are a traditional dish for the holiday of Shavuot. Top with sour cream, apple sauce or cinnamon and sugar.
4 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup water
1 cup flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 package vanilla sugar
Pinch of salt
1 Tbsp. oil
1/2 pound farmer cheese
4 ounces cream cheese
4 Tbsps. honey or
maple syrup
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 egg yolk
1 pound cottage cheese,
2 egg yolks
2 Tbsps. flour
2 Tbsps. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla sugar
1/4 cup raisins (optional)
USE: 7 inch skillet
YIELDS: 12 blintzes
BATTER: In a large mixer bowl combine eggs, milk, water and blend well. Gradually add flour, then both sugars, salt and oil. Beat well until there are no lumps in the batter.
FILLING I: Combine all ingredients in a bowl and beat well. Or combine all the ingredients in a blender container and blend until smooth.
FILLING II: Combine all ingredients, except raisins, in a bowl and beat well. Or all the ingredients can be combined in a blender container and blended until smooth. Then add raisins.
1. Prepare batter and filling of your choice. Using a paper towel or basting brush, apply a thin coating of oil to a 7 inch skillet. Place skillet over medium heat until skillet is hot but not smoking.
2. Ladle approximately 1/3 cup of batter into the skillet. Tilt pan to swirl the batter so it covers the bottom of the skillet.
3. Fry on one side until small air bubbles form, and top is set. Bottom should be golden brown. When done, carefully loosen edges of crepe and slip out of skillet onto a plate..
4. Repeat the above procedure until all the batter is used. Grease the skillet as needed..
5. Turn each crepe so that golden brown side is up. Place 3 tablespoons of filling on one edge in a 2 1/2 inch long by 1-inch wide mound..
6. Roll once to cover filling. Fold the sides into the center and continue rolling until completely closed..
7. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in the skillet and place each crepe seam side down in the skillet and fry 2 minutes on each side, turning once.
VARIATION: Whole wheat pastry flour can be used instead of white flour.
Or you can just buy the ready-made, heat in the skillet blintzes found in your local supermarket. There they have various other types of blintzes: Apple, blueberry and strawberry to name a few.
Why Weiner Should Resign
Gary Fouse
Now that Anthony Weiner has raised the white flag of surrender on the fact that he did, in fact, send lewd pictures of himself and lied to cover it up, the next great battle is convincing him that he should resign his office. Yesterday, he said he would not resign, and if precedence means anything among Democrats, chances are he won't. Yet, there are several reasons why he should.
First of all, there is still a possibility that he was not completely truthful even yesterday at the New York press conference. He says he did not use government resources to send those images. Yet, it appears that in at least some, the images were sent from his office.
He says there was no actual infidelity in the physical sense. That remains to be seen.
He also tried to downplay his actions in the famous Seattle bulge picture by saying he sent it as "a joke". There is no delicate way to say this, but let's just say that erections tend not to occur during moments of humor and vice-versa.
But the biggest concerns about Weiner are that when it comes to issues of judgement and credibility, he has lost both. The lack of judgement in a congressman sending lewd pictures of himself to young women he has never met speaks for itself. In doing so, he left himself open to blackmail. How could he think that none of these women would ever come forward? In terms of credibility, this is the man who let his minions and friends in the media spread the story that he had been hacked. Two names were mentioned as hackers for over a week as Weiner let it happen. You may think that Andrew Breitbart is a self-promoting bottom-feeder, but he was not guilty of hacking. His story was true, and in fact, it appears the worst of Weiner's photos, the most explicit, have not been released, which is yet another reason why Weiner would be wise to just go away. Weiner lied repeatedly to the media both in groups and individually in separate interviews. How can he ever be believed again?
Yet, he knows that Bill Clinton survived. He knows that Ted Kennedy survived. He knows that Charles Rangel survived, as well as other Democrats. The most he will get from the House Ethics Committee is probably a censure. Big deal.
Republicans are somewhat correct in stating that their own miscreants resign when discovered, while Democrats stick it out. Mark Foley and Chris Lee come to mind. Yet, they should not crow too much. Within the Senate, Larry Craig and David Vitter, both Republicans, are still there. They both should have resigned, but they did not.
At some point, the public needs to know that their elected officials are not all a bunch of egotistical, power-hungry jerks who think they can live under a different set of rules than the rest of us. The honorable thing for Anthony Weiner to do would be to resign from Congress. At this point, it appears he will not do so unless his fellow Democrats in the House force him to. That is because Anthony Weiner is not an honorable man. Forget the pictures; they are but a sexual peccadillo. It looks like Weiner's character flaws go deeper than sex.
Now that Anthony Weiner has raised the white flag of surrender on the fact that he did, in fact, send lewd pictures of himself and lied to cover it up, the next great battle is convincing him that he should resign his office. Yesterday, he said he would not resign, and if precedence means anything among Democrats, chances are he won't. Yet, there are several reasons why he should.
First of all, there is still a possibility that he was not completely truthful even yesterday at the New York press conference. He says he did not use government resources to send those images. Yet, it appears that in at least some, the images were sent from his office.
He says there was no actual infidelity in the physical sense. That remains to be seen.
He also tried to downplay his actions in the famous Seattle bulge picture by saying he sent it as "a joke". There is no delicate way to say this, but let's just say that erections tend not to occur during moments of humor and vice-versa.
But the biggest concerns about Weiner are that when it comes to issues of judgement and credibility, he has lost both. The lack of judgement in a congressman sending lewd pictures of himself to young women he has never met speaks for itself. In doing so, he left himself open to blackmail. How could he think that none of these women would ever come forward? In terms of credibility, this is the man who let his minions and friends in the media spread the story that he had been hacked. Two names were mentioned as hackers for over a week as Weiner let it happen. You may think that Andrew Breitbart is a self-promoting bottom-feeder, but he was not guilty of hacking. His story was true, and in fact, it appears the worst of Weiner's photos, the most explicit, have not been released, which is yet another reason why Weiner would be wise to just go away. Weiner lied repeatedly to the media both in groups and individually in separate interviews. How can he ever be believed again?
Yet, he knows that Bill Clinton survived. He knows that Ted Kennedy survived. He knows that Charles Rangel survived, as well as other Democrats. The most he will get from the House Ethics Committee is probably a censure. Big deal.
Republicans are somewhat correct in stating that their own miscreants resign when discovered, while Democrats stick it out. Mark Foley and Chris Lee come to mind. Yet, they should not crow too much. Within the Senate, Larry Craig and David Vitter, both Republicans, are still there. They both should have resigned, but they did not.
At some point, the public needs to know that their elected officials are not all a bunch of egotistical, power-hungry jerks who think they can live under a different set of rules than the rest of us. The honorable thing for Anthony Weiner to do would be to resign from Congress. At this point, it appears he will not do so unless his fellow Democrats in the House force him to. That is because Anthony Weiner is not an honorable man. Forget the pictures; they are but a sexual peccadillo. It looks like Weiner's character flaws go deeper than sex.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Weiner Is Being A Weiner!
Having come clean about sending so-called "dirty pictures" to various young women, he doesn't have the decency to resign his office.
And what type of woman is married to this slimeball? He cheats on her with other women (It wasn't physical, but it is still infidelity under both Man's and G-d's Law.), and she stands by him.
It is time for Weiner to quit today!
June 6 1944, as reported by CNN
NORMANDY, FRANCE (June 6, 1944) Three hundred French civilians were killed and thousands more were wounded today in the first hours of America's invasion of continental Europe. Casualties were heaviest among women and children. Most of the French casualties were the result of artillery fire from American ships attempting to knock out German fortifications prior to the landing of hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops.
Reports from a makeshift hospital in the French town of St. Mere Eglise said the carnage was far worse than the French had anticipated, and that reaction against the American invasion was running high. "We are dying for no reason, "said a Frenchman speaking on condition of anonymity. "Americans can't even shoot straight. I never thought I'd say this, but life was better under Adolph Hitler."
The invasion also caused severe environmental damage. American troops, tanks, trucks and machinery destroyed miles of pristine shoreline and thousands of acres of ecologically sensitive wetlands. It was believed that the habitat of the spineless French crab was completely wiped out, thus threatening the species with extinction. A representative of Green Peace said his organization, which had tried to stall the invasion for over a year, was appalled at the destruction, but not surprised. "This is just another example of how the military destroys the environment without a second thought," said Christine Moanmore. "And it's all about corporate greed."
Contacted at his Manhattan condo, a member of the French government-in-exile who abandoned Paris when Hitler invaded, said the invasion was based solely on American financial interests. "Everyone knows that President Roosevelt has ties to 'big beer'," said Pierre LeWimp. "Once the German beer industry is conquered, Roosevelt's beer cronies will control the world market and make a fortune."
Administration supporters said America's aggressive actions were based in part on the assertions of controversial scientist Albert Einstein, who sent a letter to Roosevelt speculating that the Germans were developing a secret weapon -- a so-called "atomic bomb". Such a weapon could produce casualties on a scale never seen before, and cause environmental damage that could last for thousands of years. Hitler has denied having such a weapon and international inspectors were unable to locate such weapons even after spending two long weekends in Germany. Shortly after the invasion began, reports surfaced that German prisoners had been abused by American soldiers. Mistreatment of Jews by Germans at their so-called "concentration camps" has been rumored, but so far this remains unproven.
Several thousand Americans died during the first hours of the invasion, and French officials are concerned that the uncollected corpses will pose a public-health risk. "The Americans should have planned for this in advance," they said. "It's their mess, and we don't intend to help clean it up."
That is exactly how the MSM, especially anti-West media groups like MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS and ABC would have reported this day.
This is the true story:
D-Day 6/6/44
In Memory of those who fought for freedom and in condemnation of a press that misuses that sacrifice.
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