Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Black Minister Want to Deny Jews the Vote

I seldom watch CNN and turn to its website only once a day. But when I saw this article by Roland Martin, a lot of what I thought about Black America and their anti-Semitic views came into sharp focus.

No he doesn't come out and say that Jewish-Americans should be denied the vote. He is too sneaky for that. He endorses the idea that the US should change its election day to Saturday, thus disenfranchising the whole Jewish community.

But why is Election Day on a Tuesday? Why in the world do we continue to insist on voting on a weekday when we are supposed to be encouraging as many people to vote as possible?

Officially, Election Day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November (depending on the year, it could be November 2 through November 8). Since 1845, this has been the standard practice in the United States. Congress wanted a set date to elect a president and members of Congress, and because we were an agricultural society, this was the best day for farmers in rural America to get to the polls. That made a ton of sense. Then. But a lot has changed in the past 163 years, and it's time Congress changed this unnecessary law.

But why not the first Saturday in November? If that date were chosen, the majority of voters wouldn't have to worry about trying to vote before going to work, hoping and praying the lines aren't too long so they can zip in and zip out. The same thing happens in the evening. Folks have to hurry up and finish their work, interrupt meetings, and shut down whatever else they are doing and head to the polls.
I can now hear Barack Hussein Obama, that nice anti-Semite calling for this. After all he is having a hard time trying to convince Jewish voters in Florida. If he did this, he wouldn't have to worry about them.

Instead of putting up barriers for people who want to vote, we should be the most open society when it comes to giving our citizens as many options as possible to vote, and moving Election Day from a weekday to a weekend makes a lot of sense.

Ok Roland Martin, how about Sunday? Lots of people have Sunday off. You could hold the election on Sunday just like Puerto Rico did. They had a good turnout too. But for millions of Christians Sunday is a holy day.

Saturday is already a day of leisure, and there is no doubt that more Americans would head to the polls on a traditional day off from work.

It isn't a day of leisure for all. Many people work on Saturday and Sunday. But their votes don't matter do they?

No, Roland. We Jews know the real reason that you and your friend Obama will demand this change. It is the start of taking away the rights from all Jews in the United States. Black Americans blame every Jew in the world for all their problems.

While Martin Luther King was a strong supporter of Zionism in theory and Israel in fact, his successors are cut from a different cloth. Black leaders such as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Andrew Young, Louis Farakkhan all have records marred by a history of anti-Semitism. The Congressional Black Caucus has increasingly voted against Israel in Congress. Representative Cynthia McKinney (D-Georgia) and her supporters have had a long history of anti-Semitic statements. Congressman John Conyers hosted a mock impeachment hearing featuring known anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists (while the “hearing” was proceeding, anti-Semitic literature was being distributed by activists at the Democratic National headquarters).

And yet you want Jewish-Americans to support your choice of candidate. But Roland Martin, you do support Jeremiah Wright. Even when he says statements like this:

Damn Jewish interlopers, coming into our neighborhoods and stealing our money.

If only someone in the crowd had a match and some gasoline -- then we'd be cooking. With gas.

What was it that Wright himself said? Something like "The moment my sermons come out, Obama's Jewish support is going to melt like a snowball in hell"?

Your feelings too, they must be.

You dear truth seeker can contact Roland Martin at here.
You can contact CNN here.

I can hear the left now. It was just a suggest. But taken with the long list of anti-Semitic reports from CNN and rhetoric by so-called Black Leaders, it adds up to another Holocaust being planned.


TexasFred said...

You know I am a supporter of all things Israel, I am in now way and anti-Semite, I just can't be that way, but it's people like this guy that make me wonder, just how ignorant can some folks be??

Yeah, we ALL have our little prejudices but this goes past that, this is down right, out and out disenfranchisement...

I hope the entire Jewish community takes a HUGE stand against Obama, he is evil, we know it, everyone needs to see it, good story Findalis, good story indeed...

MathewK said...

In Australia we vote on a saturday and we're forced to vote. If you don't vote, you get fined, unless they can't find you off course.

I guess if they didn't have a history of anti-semitism, they may have just overlooked the date. None the less i, like you, don't trust the words of those whose actions showed differently.

WomanHonorThyself said...

they are so jealous they will try to do anything to undermine the Jews but its simply laughable....great post Katie!