Gary Fouse
Deepa Kumar is a radical professor at Rutgers University who has tweeted out references comparing the US to ISIS. She was featured this evening on Bill O'Reilly's show on Fox News.
Here is a report from
In this article in Inside Higher Education, Ms Kumar defends herself.
I added my own comment on the above reader thread (not yet posted). Ms Kumar, I note, was one of the faculty activists who opposed a speaking appearance by Condi Rice at Rutgers recently. Thus, she appears to be another one of these academics who feel that free speech only applies to them because opposing opinions are just wrong and therefore not fit to be heard and evaluated.
Ms Kumar has the right of free speech to trash her adopted country (She comes from India). Nobody is going to arrest her and nobody is going to fire her.
But folks like little ol' me also have a right to respond to her vile comments and express our own. If anyone has threatened her, as she says, I condemn that. But I will gladly join the ranks of "right-wing blogs" that are criticizing her.
Quote of the day!
Je Suis Charlie!
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Friday, July 24, 2015
The US Continues to Turn a Blind Eye to Islamic Persecution of Christians (and Other Threats)
Gary Fouse
"The U.S. insists that Muslims are the primary victims of Boko Haram... The question remains -- why is the U.S. downplaying or denying the attacks against Christians?" — Emmanuel Ogebe, Nigerian human rights lawyer, Washington D.C"
As Islamic persecution of Christians continues to rage world-wide, our clueless administration continues to ignore it. Our State Department tries to keep Christians from even visiting the US to testify about what is happening. In the below piece for the Gatestone Institute, Raymond Ibrahim describes how our State Department is hostile to Christian concerns for fear of offending the Islamic world.
"Sister Diana, an influential Iraqi Christian leader, who was scheduled to visit the U.S. to advocate for persecuted Christians in the Mideast, was denied a visa by the U.S. State Department even though she had visited the U.S. before, most recently in 2012."
Meanwhile, the administration is in the process of relocating some 65,000 Syrians to the US. And we just cross-posted that story about a DHS bus full of Somalis being taken from the Mexican border to a detention center.
And speaking of Jeh Johnson, the empty suit head of DHS, this is the guy who just recently was asked by a Congressional Committee if anyone in the administration had reached out to the Steinle family, to which he said, "To who?" He had no idea who the young lady (Kate Steinle) was or at least he didn't know the name of the victim of the murder in San Francisco at the hands of an illegal alien career criminal who should not have been on the streets to begin with. It was the biggest DHS-related issue on that day, and he didn't even know the name of the victim. After it was explained to him, he said that he didn't know if the family had been contacted. (They hadn't.)
But it gets worse with this boob. This week, he was captured on video explaining why DHS and the administration are not supposed to use the term Islamic terror when talking about ISIS or all the other Islamic terror groups.
It is because (according to Johnson) we need to reach out to the Muslim community and assure them that all this has nothing to do with Islam (hat tip Inquisitr).
“I think it’s critical that in order to build our relationships and build our level of cooperation with the Islamic communities here, we have to say to them ‘Look, we understand that what this depraved terrorist organization is doing is no part of your religion.'”
If I may ask Mr Johnson a rather convoluted question: If all this terror emanating from ISIS, al Qaeda, al Shabaab, Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the others has nothing to do with Islam, what trust or cooperation is needed? Why do you need to reach out to the Muslim community?

"To who?"
This boob, like his predecessor, Janet Napolitano, is clearly not up to the job. We are already paying the cost in American lives from Boston to Chattanooga to the US-Mexican border. And make no mistake: There are more to come.
"The U.S. insists that Muslims are the primary victims of Boko Haram... The question remains -- why is the U.S. downplaying or denying the attacks against Christians?" — Emmanuel Ogebe, Nigerian human rights lawyer, Washington D.C"
As Islamic persecution of Christians continues to rage world-wide, our clueless administration continues to ignore it. Our State Department tries to keep Christians from even visiting the US to testify about what is happening. In the below piece for the Gatestone Institute, Raymond Ibrahim describes how our State Department is hostile to Christian concerns for fear of offending the Islamic world.
"Sister Diana, an influential Iraqi Christian leader, who was scheduled to visit the U.S. to advocate for persecuted Christians in the Mideast, was denied a visa by the U.S. State Department even though she had visited the U.S. before, most recently in 2012."
Meanwhile, the administration is in the process of relocating some 65,000 Syrians to the US. And we just cross-posted that story about a DHS bus full of Somalis being taken from the Mexican border to a detention center.
And speaking of Jeh Johnson, the empty suit head of DHS, this is the guy who just recently was asked by a Congressional Committee if anyone in the administration had reached out to the Steinle family, to which he said, "To who?" He had no idea who the young lady (Kate Steinle) was or at least he didn't know the name of the victim of the murder in San Francisco at the hands of an illegal alien career criminal who should not have been on the streets to begin with. It was the biggest DHS-related issue on that day, and he didn't even know the name of the victim. After it was explained to him, he said that he didn't know if the family had been contacted. (They hadn't.)
But it gets worse with this boob. This week, he was captured on video explaining why DHS and the administration are not supposed to use the term Islamic terror when talking about ISIS or all the other Islamic terror groups.
It is because (according to Johnson) we need to reach out to the Muslim community and assure them that all this has nothing to do with Islam (hat tip Inquisitr).
“I think it’s critical that in order to build our relationships and build our level of cooperation with the Islamic communities here, we have to say to them ‘Look, we understand that what this depraved terrorist organization is doing is no part of your religion.'”
If I may ask Mr Johnson a rather convoluted question: If all this terror emanating from ISIS, al Qaeda, al Shabaab, Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the others has nothing to do with Islam, what trust or cooperation is needed? Why do you need to reach out to the Muslim community?
"To who?"
This boob, like his predecessor, Janet Napolitano, is clearly not up to the job. We are already paying the cost in American lives from Boston to Chattanooga to the US-Mexican border. And make no mistake: There are more to come.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Planned Parenthood Official: " I Want a Lamborghini"
Gary Fouse
The Center for Medical Progress, a pro-life group, has just released a second undercover video with another top Planned Parenthood official. In this video, Dr. Mary Gatter discusses the sale of fetal tissue. This tape is just as shocking as the first released by CMP. It also contradicts a statement just issued by PP president Cecile Richards that PP does not profit in any way from fetal tissue.
Regardless of where you stand on the abortion issue, these tapes have to make you sick. Where have we come as a society where we have this organization, which receives millions of dollars from the government, can show such crass indifference to the babies they are aborting? These people can sit there over lunch and discuss what parts of a baby to crush and how much certain organs or tissue will cost. This is Nazi-like thinking.
Exaggerating am I? Contrast this with images of Joseph Mengele at Auschwitz taking twins off of box-cars to conduct experiments on them at Auschwitz. Contrast this with the Nazi euthanasia of the mentally disabled and forced abortions on the disabled, feeble-minded, Jews and Gypsies.
And you know what? The main reason the Nazis built the gas chambers at places like Auschwitz was that the psychological stress was becoming too much on the ordinary German soldiers, who were herding Jews en masse into ditches and shooting them by the hundreds. People like Heinrich Himmler recognized that they were producing soldiers who were being destroyed psychologically and turned into alcoholics to drown their guilt. That was also why they used prisoners to do the dirty work of herding the Jews into the gas chambers, cremating the bodies and disposing of the ashes.
Dr Gatter should have asked for a Mercedes Benz instead of a Lamborghini.
This is a classic example of how this nation began to lose its soul when Roe vs Wade was passed. Now we have doctors stuffing their faces with salad and asking for refills of their wine as they casually describe how they "did" a "17-weeker" that very morning.
If you want to argue that abortion is a right and a necessity, be my guest. Then explain to me why Planned Parenthood is deserving of government (tax-payer) funding.
The Center for Medical Progress, a pro-life group, has just released a second undercover video with another top Planned Parenthood official. In this video, Dr. Mary Gatter discusses the sale of fetal tissue. This tape is just as shocking as the first released by CMP. It also contradicts a statement just issued by PP president Cecile Richards that PP does not profit in any way from fetal tissue.
Regardless of where you stand on the abortion issue, these tapes have to make you sick. Where have we come as a society where we have this organization, which receives millions of dollars from the government, can show such crass indifference to the babies they are aborting? These people can sit there over lunch and discuss what parts of a baby to crush and how much certain organs or tissue will cost. This is Nazi-like thinking.
Exaggerating am I? Contrast this with images of Joseph Mengele at Auschwitz taking twins off of box-cars to conduct experiments on them at Auschwitz. Contrast this with the Nazi euthanasia of the mentally disabled and forced abortions on the disabled, feeble-minded, Jews and Gypsies.
And you know what? The main reason the Nazis built the gas chambers at places like Auschwitz was that the psychological stress was becoming too much on the ordinary German soldiers, who were herding Jews en masse into ditches and shooting them by the hundreds. People like Heinrich Himmler recognized that they were producing soldiers who were being destroyed psychologically and turned into alcoholics to drown their guilt. That was also why they used prisoners to do the dirty work of herding the Jews into the gas chambers, cremating the bodies and disposing of the ashes.
Dr Gatter should have asked for a Mercedes Benz instead of a Lamborghini.
This is a classic example of how this nation began to lose its soul when Roe vs Wade was passed. Now we have doctors stuffing their faces with salad and asking for refills of their wine as they casually describe how they "did" a "17-weeker" that very morning.
If you want to argue that abortion is a right and a necessity, be my guest. Then explain to me why Planned Parenthood is deserving of government (tax-payer) funding.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Chattanooga: Just the Latest and More to Come
Gary Fouse
Chattanooga, Tennessee now is the latest dot on the US terror map. We have four dead Marines killed far from the field of combat by a 24-year-old Kuwaiti-born Tennessee resident named Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez. These are the latest sacrifices on the altar of the religion of peace.
Not all the facts are in, but I have some preliminary thoughts.
Isn't Kuwait the nation we liberated from a horrific occupation by Saddam Hussein's Iraqi army?
I do not regard it as an accident that Tennessee has now seen a terrorist attack. Bill Warner, a Tennessee resident and expert on Islam has long warned that Tennessee is an active battleground state with much Islamist activity including the controversial construction of the Murfreesboro mosque. The thinking is that if Islam can conquer a Bible Belt state like Tennessee, the other 49 will be easy.
I also note the name of William Killian, the US Attorney from Knoxville, who is front and center making public pronouncements on this case. The is the same man who two years ago was making implied threats to local citizens in Manchester, Tennessee that they could be prosecuted for their opposition to Islam.
I wonder how Mr Killian feels now. Maybe he should go back and review the concerns those people at the public meeting he held expressed.
Chattanooga, Tennessee now is the latest dot on the US terror map. We have four dead Marines killed far from the field of combat by a 24-year-old Kuwaiti-born Tennessee resident named Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez. These are the latest sacrifices on the altar of the religion of peace.
Not all the facts are in, but I have some preliminary thoughts.
Isn't Kuwait the nation we liberated from a horrific occupation by Saddam Hussein's Iraqi army?
I do not regard it as an accident that Tennessee has now seen a terrorist attack. Bill Warner, a Tennessee resident and expert on Islam has long warned that Tennessee is an active battleground state with much Islamist activity including the controversial construction of the Murfreesboro mosque. The thinking is that if Islam can conquer a Bible Belt state like Tennessee, the other 49 will be easy.
I also note the name of William Killian, the US Attorney from Knoxville, who is front and center making public pronouncements on this case. The is the same man who two years ago was making implied threats to local citizens in Manchester, Tennessee that they could be prosecuted for their opposition to Islam.
I wonder how Mr Killian feels now. Maybe he should go back and review the concerns those people at the public meeting he held expressed.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Liberal Bias in Academia? The AAUW
Gary Fouse
There have been a lot of reports of surveys in recent years showing the liberal bias and political leanings (Democrat) of university professors. Here is one to add to the list. While waiting for my class to begin yesterday at UC Irvine, I picked up a copy of the American Association of University Women from a campus news rack. The issue was dedicated to the voting record of the 113th Congress, which covers the period January 2013-August 2014. If you go to the first link, you can download (second link) the voting records of each member of the Senate and House of Representatives as to 9 particular issues that the AAUW has interest in. A plus mark indicates that the politician has voted favorably on the issue (according to AAUW), while a minus sign indicates the opposite. In addition, each person is given a score from 0-100, one hundred being highest according to the scale. Obviously, a score above 50 is favorable while a score below 50 is unfavorable.
You will note that in most every case, Republicans scored below 50 while Democrats scored above 50. This pretty much tells you the leanings of the AAUW. At the first link you can also view past ratings.
In addition, I have highlighted some of the narrative in the second link to give you a flavor of the leanings of the AAUW.
"President Barack Obama’s second term started with an ideologically divided Congress, unwilling or unable to move legislation in the most basic policy areas. The president was forced to play a more visible role in defending key priorities such as health care, immigration reform, and judicial nominations, which became targets for congressional obstruction and even repeal".
"The House of Representatives was more productive than the Senate in the volume of legislation moved forward, but the chamber largely focused on Tea Party priorities rather than moving more moderate proposals that might have had a chance of garnering Senate support and eventually being signed into law. For an example of this posturing, look no further than the 18 House votes that have been taken to repeal the Affordable Care Act in the 113th Congress, increasing the total number of House repeal votes to 54 in the past four years."
"As partisan gridlock and bickering have stalled congressional legislation, President Obama and his cabinet have grown increasingly frustrated with the lack of dialog and progress. During his first Cabinet meeting of 2014, the president made it clear that he would take action where Congress did not, stating, “We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help they need. I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone.”24 He was referring to his power to issue executive orders, which, while limited in scope, could be used to advance his agenda. The president also promised to ensure additional regulatory guidance and reform, creating inter-agency task forces on critical policy issues, clarifying the rules underpinning a variety of laws, and providing stronger road maps for enforcement."
I think you get the flavor.
There have been a lot of reports of surveys in recent years showing the liberal bias and political leanings (Democrat) of university professors. Here is one to add to the list. While waiting for my class to begin yesterday at UC Irvine, I picked up a copy of the American Association of University Women from a campus news rack. The issue was dedicated to the voting record of the 113th Congress, which covers the period January 2013-August 2014. If you go to the first link, you can download (second link) the voting records of each member of the Senate and House of Representatives as to 9 particular issues that the AAUW has interest in. A plus mark indicates that the politician has voted favorably on the issue (according to AAUW), while a minus sign indicates the opposite. In addition, each person is given a score from 0-100, one hundred being highest according to the scale. Obviously, a score above 50 is favorable while a score below 50 is unfavorable.
You will note that in most every case, Republicans scored below 50 while Democrats scored above 50. This pretty much tells you the leanings of the AAUW. At the first link you can also view past ratings.
In addition, I have highlighted some of the narrative in the second link to give you a flavor of the leanings of the AAUW.
"President Barack Obama’s second term started with an ideologically divided Congress, unwilling or unable to move legislation in the most basic policy areas. The president was forced to play a more visible role in defending key priorities such as health care, immigration reform, and judicial nominations, which became targets for congressional obstruction and even repeal".
"The House of Representatives was more productive than the Senate in the volume of legislation moved forward, but the chamber largely focused on Tea Party priorities rather than moving more moderate proposals that might have had a chance of garnering Senate support and eventually being signed into law. For an example of this posturing, look no further than the 18 House votes that have been taken to repeal the Affordable Care Act in the 113th Congress, increasing the total number of House repeal votes to 54 in the past four years."
"As partisan gridlock and bickering have stalled congressional legislation, President Obama and his cabinet have grown increasingly frustrated with the lack of dialog and progress. During his first Cabinet meeting of 2014, the president made it clear that he would take action where Congress did not, stating, “We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help they need. I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone.”24 He was referring to his power to issue executive orders, which, while limited in scope, could be used to advance his agenda. The president also promised to ensure additional regulatory guidance and reform, creating inter-agency task forces on critical policy issues, clarifying the rules underpinning a variety of laws, and providing stronger road maps for enforcement."
I think you get the flavor.
Friday, July 10, 2015
What ISIS Did in Palmyra
Gary Fouse
Hat tip Revoltes en Europe
Viewer warning: Graphic images
A week or so ago, ISIS captured the Syrian town of Palmyra, a site noted for its antiquities and Roman columns. Of course all that pre-dated the birth of Islam, so according to ISIS, it must be eradicated. Most observers expect the columns to come down soon while other treasures have already been smashed.
Now ISIS has used the Roman structures as a backdrop for their latest massacre, the execution of 25 captured Syrian soldiers. The video produced by ISIS with great pride comes from the French blog, Revoltes en Europe. (Warning: They are graphic.)
The title in French reads, "Muslims of the Islamic State kill 25 Syrian soldiers. Those who are sensitive should refrain (from watching). The video has been hidden from view on orders by the media."
I have said it before, and I will repeat: This is something that has no place in the West. It should be isolated in the Middle East, where it is perfectly at home.
Hat tip Revoltes en Europe
Viewer warning: Graphic images
A week or so ago, ISIS captured the Syrian town of Palmyra, a site noted for its antiquities and Roman columns. Of course all that pre-dated the birth of Islam, so according to ISIS, it must be eradicated. Most observers expect the columns to come down soon while other treasures have already been smashed.
Now ISIS has used the Roman structures as a backdrop for their latest massacre, the execution of 25 captured Syrian soldiers. The video produced by ISIS with great pride comes from the French blog, Revoltes en Europe. (Warning: They are graphic.)
The title in French reads, "Muslims of the Islamic State kill 25 Syrian soldiers. Those who are sensitive should refrain (from watching). The video has been hidden from view on orders by the media."
I have said it before, and I will repeat: This is something that has no place in the West. It should be isolated in the Middle East, where it is perfectly at home.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Lois Lerner Saga: IRS and DOJ Violated the Law
Gary Fouse
Judicial Watch has obtained more documents that show that Lois Lerner, her agency (IRS), and DOJ were working to go after conservative political groups criminally. More specifically, the IRS gave tax-payer income tax returns to the FBI-in violation of the law.
As I have said before, when I was a DEA agent, I often had occasion to work with IRS's Criminal Investigation Division as they often investigated drug traffickers and their illicit cash transactions/proceeds. However, it was illegal for them to provide me with income tax returns for suspects.
Indictments should follow in this mess. Unfortunately, who is going to indict and prosecute? DOJ?
Judicial Watch has obtained more documents that show that Lois Lerner, her agency (IRS), and DOJ were working to go after conservative political groups criminally. More specifically, the IRS gave tax-payer income tax returns to the FBI-in violation of the law.
As I have said before, when I was a DEA agent, I often had occasion to work with IRS's Criminal Investigation Division as they often investigated drug traffickers and their illicit cash transactions/proceeds. However, it was illegal for them to provide me with income tax returns for suspects.
Indictments should follow in this mess. Unfortunately, who is going to indict and prosecute? DOJ?
Saturday, July 4, 2015
The Clinton-Blumenthal Connection: What the Media Is Missing
Gary Fouse
This article first appeared on Eagle Rising.
The emergence of e-mails between ex-Clinton administration hatchet man Sidney Blumenthal and Hillary Clinton on her private e-mail server during her tenure as secretary of state is troubling for a variety of reasons. While the media is focusing on the appropriateness (or lack thereof) of Ms. Clinton receiving e-mails on a private server from Blumenthal on the topic of Libya, they are missing another critical point. That is Sidney Blumenhal's son, Max Blumenthal.
Max Blumenthal is a journalist by trade, but in recent years has pretty much discredited himself with his fanatical obsession and activism against the state of Israel. These days, he pretty much makes his living writing and speaking about the "evils" of Israel vis-a-vis the Palestinians, whose cause he supports. Max is also a supporter of the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, which has gained particular traction on college campuses.
To give an example of just how unhinged this character is, he made a spectacle of himself in Berlin last year when he went on a rampage through the Parliament (Reichstag) building over the fact that a speaking appearance of his was cancelled.
Here is the point that the media seems to be missing: If it is troubling for Ms. Clinton to be getting and passing on e-mails from Sidney Blumenthal providing information about Libya from a friend of his with business interests in that country during a tumultuous point in time, could it be that Sidney was also passing on tidbits about our ally Israel from his son Max-a fanatical enemy of that country?
Is that not a matter of concern? Shouldn't somebody in the media or Congress be asking Ms Clinton or Sidney Blumenthal about that?
This article first appeared on Eagle Rising.
The emergence of e-mails between ex-Clinton administration hatchet man Sidney Blumenthal and Hillary Clinton on her private e-mail server during her tenure as secretary of state is troubling for a variety of reasons. While the media is focusing on the appropriateness (or lack thereof) of Ms. Clinton receiving e-mails on a private server from Blumenthal on the topic of Libya, they are missing another critical point. That is Sidney Blumenhal's son, Max Blumenthal.
Max Blumenthal is a journalist by trade, but in recent years has pretty much discredited himself with his fanatical obsession and activism against the state of Israel. These days, he pretty much makes his living writing and speaking about the "evils" of Israel vis-a-vis the Palestinians, whose cause he supports. Max is also a supporter of the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, which has gained particular traction on college campuses.
To give an example of just how unhinged this character is, he made a spectacle of himself in Berlin last year when he went on a rampage through the Parliament (Reichstag) building over the fact that a speaking appearance of his was cancelled.
Here is the point that the media seems to be missing: If it is troubling for Ms. Clinton to be getting and passing on e-mails from Sidney Blumenthal providing information about Libya from a friend of his with business interests in that country during a tumultuous point in time, could it be that Sidney was also passing on tidbits about our ally Israel from his son Max-a fanatical enemy of that country?
Is that not a matter of concern? Shouldn't somebody in the media or Congress be asking Ms Clinton or Sidney Blumenthal about that?
Friday, July 3, 2015
In San Francisco, the Chickens Come Home to Roost-Once Again
Gary Fouse
Out here in California, San Francisco and Los Angeles both pride themselves as "sanctuary cities". That means they practically welcome illegal aliens, More specifically, they don't cooperate with ICE when it comes to the illegal aliens that go through their respective justice systems. That means that illegal alien who get arrested for crimes often go through the local justice system and when they are released from jail, ICE isn't notified.
This was brought home with great force in recent years when a high school football star, Jamiel Shaw, was shot down and killed on a sidewalk near his home by an illegal alien gang member who had just been released from jail with no notice to ICE.
The same year (2008) , another illegal alien gang member (MS 13) just out of jail in San Francisco shot and killed a man and his two sons in a road rage incident.
You would think these cities would learn, but they don't. Now we have another innocent person shot to death in San Francisco by an illegal alien who, in this case, has been deported five times.
I don't know the details about this latest killer's (Francisco Sanchez) 5 deportations, but the last one was in 2009, and he was recently released from jail even though ICE had requested he be turned over to them. A federal hold means that the locals don't simply release prisoners on the street, but turn them over to the feds when they are finished with them. To be fair, the locals don't want to hold prisoners any longer than their local charges warrant for fear of lawsuits, so it behooves the feds to be there on time when the person is released.
Here is the trick: ICE literally has to determine on their own when a person is going to be released and be there at the jail to grab them as they leave. The way the system should work is that ICE places a hold and coordinates with the locals to know when a release is to be made so they can take custody. It's a simple procedure, but it is clear that the locals are not fully cooperating. As I understand it, only in cases of prisoners convicted of serious felonies will the local notify ICE and inform them when the prisoner will be released. So in LA and San Francisco, we have illegal alien criminals getting out of local jails and nobody tells ICE. Now we see the result.
By the way, one of the public figures involved in this mess is Kamala Harris, former San Francisco DA and current California attorney general. She is now running for the US Senate seat being vacated by Barbara Boxer and is a favorite to win the Democratic nomination. Since California is literally devoid of Republicans that means she will probably be our next US Senator.
Out here in California, San Francisco and Los Angeles both pride themselves as "sanctuary cities". That means they practically welcome illegal aliens, More specifically, they don't cooperate with ICE when it comes to the illegal aliens that go through their respective justice systems. That means that illegal alien who get arrested for crimes often go through the local justice system and when they are released from jail, ICE isn't notified.
This was brought home with great force in recent years when a high school football star, Jamiel Shaw, was shot down and killed on a sidewalk near his home by an illegal alien gang member who had just been released from jail with no notice to ICE.
The same year (2008) , another illegal alien gang member (MS 13) just out of jail in San Francisco shot and killed a man and his two sons in a road rage incident.
You would think these cities would learn, but they don't. Now we have another innocent person shot to death in San Francisco by an illegal alien who, in this case, has been deported five times.
I don't know the details about this latest killer's (Francisco Sanchez) 5 deportations, but the last one was in 2009, and he was recently released from jail even though ICE had requested he be turned over to them. A federal hold means that the locals don't simply release prisoners on the street, but turn them over to the feds when they are finished with them. To be fair, the locals don't want to hold prisoners any longer than their local charges warrant for fear of lawsuits, so it behooves the feds to be there on time when the person is released.
Here is the trick: ICE literally has to determine on their own when a person is going to be released and be there at the jail to grab them as they leave. The way the system should work is that ICE places a hold and coordinates with the locals to know when a release is to be made so they can take custody. It's a simple procedure, but it is clear that the locals are not fully cooperating. As I understand it, only in cases of prisoners convicted of serious felonies will the local notify ICE and inform them when the prisoner will be released. So in LA and San Francisco, we have illegal alien criminals getting out of local jails and nobody tells ICE. Now we see the result.
By the way, one of the public figures involved in this mess is Kamala Harris, former San Francisco DA and current California attorney general. She is now running for the US Senate seat being vacated by Barbara Boxer and is a favorite to win the Democratic nomination. Since California is literally devoid of Republicans that means she will probably be our next US Senator.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Response to a Crybaby Professor
Gary Fouse
Jonathan Judaken is a professor at Rhodes College in Memphis. In March, he gave a presentation at the University of Rochester, whose message was Muslims are the new Jews a kind of twisted defense of Muslims from the charge that they tend to be anti-Jewish.
Anyway, Judaken's presentation was critiqued by another professor, AJ Caschetta of the Rochester Institute of Technology, who wrote the below piece that appeared in Jihad Watch among other sites.
That didn't sit well with Judaken, who wrote the below woe is me piece for Inside Higher Education. He accused Caschetta of engaging in McCarthyism for critiquing his presentation.
McCarthyism, be Jeezus!
That was when I weighed in with the below piece on Fousesquawk:
And in response to Judaken, Caschetta has written this in Inside Higher Education and cross-posted on Middle East Forum:
Now it seems to me that professors who deem to speak out on the issues of the day are entitled to have their say. It's called freedom of speech. On the other hand, since they choose to enter the arena, others also have the freedom of speech to disagree. Professor Caschetta is hardly a policeman or even a US senator like Joe McCarthy was. He is in no position to take away Judaken's freedom of speech, his job, or God forbid, his liberty. I think Professor Caschetta refutes the McCarthyism charge much more eloquently than I ever could.
Of course, on a college campus, charges of McCarthyism and victimhood always carry traction. I know because I work on a college campus myself. But in the real world and in the places I frequent after a hard day at work, Mt Judaken would be laughed out of the joint.
Black Churches Burning?
Gary Fouse
Hat tip Frontpage Magazine and Michelle Malkin
A couple of nights ago I was watching CNN International from London (much more to the left of their US counterparts). They were reporting the burning of a black church in Greeleyville, South Carolina. I was pretty taken back especially when I heard the next day that 6 black churches have been burned in the South just since the shooting in Charleston. That was reported by the New York Times. I thought to myself, "Are we really getting this bad that we are returning to the bad old days? Is there really that much white hatred for black people in America? What happened to the New South? Have I been wrong about my own perceptions?"
Not so fast.
At this point, it appears that the Greeleyville church fire was caused by lightning.
Don't get me wrong; one case of a racist arson against a black church is one too many. However, it appears that some very prominent news organizations have taken a story and run with it before the facts have come in. We have seen it with Treyvon Martin. We have seen it with Michael Brown.
Those CNN news anchors over there in London are sitting there crowing that America is a racist country. They are no better than the clowns that you see on MSNBC. They ought to be paying attention to their own country, which is collapsing all around them.
This is a dangerous business these irresponsible journalists are engaging in. Tensions are high enough in this country and false stories like this only fan the flames. How irresponsible is it to take a church that was apparently struck by lightning and before the embers have died out, talk about white racists burning down black churches before you know that is the case. Again: If some white racist yahoo sets fire to a black church, I want the police to catch the guy and throw him in prison for a few decades.
This is another example of why Sean Hannity talks about the death of American journalism.
Hat tip Frontpage Magazine and Michelle Malkin
A couple of nights ago I was watching CNN International from London (much more to the left of their US counterparts). They were reporting the burning of a black church in Greeleyville, South Carolina. I was pretty taken back especially when I heard the next day that 6 black churches have been burned in the South just since the shooting in Charleston. That was reported by the New York Times. I thought to myself, "Are we really getting this bad that we are returning to the bad old days? Is there really that much white hatred for black people in America? What happened to the New South? Have I been wrong about my own perceptions?"
Not so fast.
At this point, it appears that the Greeleyville church fire was caused by lightning.
Don't get me wrong; one case of a racist arson against a black church is one too many. However, it appears that some very prominent news organizations have taken a story and run with it before the facts have come in. We have seen it with Treyvon Martin. We have seen it with Michael Brown.
Those CNN news anchors over there in London are sitting there crowing that America is a racist country. They are no better than the clowns that you see on MSNBC. They ought to be paying attention to their own country, which is collapsing all around them.
This is a dangerous business these irresponsible journalists are engaging in. Tensions are high enough in this country and false stories like this only fan the flames. How irresponsible is it to take a church that was apparently struck by lightning and before the embers have died out, talk about white racists burning down black churches before you know that is the case. Again: If some white racist yahoo sets fire to a black church, I want the police to catch the guy and throw him in prison for a few decades.
This is another example of why Sean Hannity talks about the death of American journalism.
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