Hat tip Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers

Those are not my words. Those are the words of a UC Davis student government leader upon the
passing of the anti-Israel divestment vote this week at UC Davis. It has been a troubling week at UC Davis with this insidious measure that has become an annual ritual on so many American university campuses. Saturday morning, a Jewish fraternity house was defaced with two swastikas. Coincidence? Hardly.

Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers has more background on the weeks's events including a student leader involved in the divestment vote who made the above proud proclamation on her Facebook page.
Is it any wonder that swastikas are spray painted on a Jewish frat house at UCD?
I want to see how Chancellor Katehi and UC President Janet Napolitano tackle this incident. Katehi has made a statement condemning the act. The question I have is whether this incident has any legs or will it be quickly forgotten and brushed aside just as the 2010 incident with David Horowitz at UC San Diego was quickly forgotten when a female member of the Muslim Student Association endorsed the Hizbollah leader's statement that Jews should all gather in Israel so that the job of hunting them down would be made easier. Yet, during the same general time frame, UCSD was turned upside down over the Compton Cookout and the library noose incident. So will Chancellor Kethi and her vice chancellor leader a campus protest chanting, "Not in our community"? Let us see.
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