Hat tip Investigative Project on Terrorism

Dawud Walid-CAIR Michigan
Dawud Walid is the head of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations. Just recently, he went on Twitter to brag to his followers that he had been quoted in an article in the Final Call, which so happens to be the press organ of Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam. The article in question was one that proclaims that the real threat to America's security comes from right-wing white supremacists. Naturally, it quotes that boffo 2009 report from Janet Napolitano's DHS.
It is hardly surprising that Walid would subscribe to the notion outlined in the referenced article. He has said as much on numerous occasions when he is complaining about Islamophobia. I would have thought he was a bit smarter than to brag about being quoted by the Nation of Islam's press organ, however.
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