Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Say What?

I have thought I had heard it all from Barack Hussein Obama. He has repeatedly told the US that he would be a united not a divider. He was a Christian and not a Muslim. He respected the Constitution.

But what he told Laura Haim of Canal Plus is totally different.
Now, the flip side is I think that the United States and the West generally, we have to educate ourselves more effectively on Islam. And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Muslims Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. And so there's got to be a better dialogue and a better understanding between the two peoples.
Read the whole transcript here.

OK. Where is the ACLU? They would have been all over the media crying out if Bush had made this statement or worse. If Bush had declared the US to be a Christian nation. But with Obama the ACLU, and the rest of the liberal media is strangely silent on this. I guess they too believe that the US is one of the largest Muslim nations in the world.

The Fact:

The Muslim population of the United States is 1,806,840 - 3,011,399, about 1%.
France has 26,121,865 Muslims. Russia has 21,513,046 Muslims. The top 5 nations with the largest Muslim population are:
  1. Indonesia: 207,000,105
  2. Pakistan: 167,430,801
  3. India: 156,254,615
  4. Bangladesh: 132,446,365
  5. Turkey: 70,800,000
Egypt is rising fast with 70,530,237 Muslims in their nation.

Yet Barack Hussein Obama will do anything, say anything to placate the Muslim world. He would turn the United States over to the rule of Shar'ia Law if it would placate them.

For the record Mr. President:

The United States is not a Muslim nation. We are a secular one. Nor are we the largest Muslim nation in the world. We have a very small Muslim population. Something you have seemed to forgotten. There are more Jews in the United States (5,275,00) than Muslims. A fact you should remember since 2012 is right around the corner.

A little known fact Mr. President. President Jimmy Carter lost the election in 1980 to Ronald Reagan, Jews voted overwhelmingly for Mr. Carter in 1976, but switched in large numbers in 1980 due to his lack of support for Israel.


Maggie Thornton said...

My blood pressure skyrockets when he says we need to do more to understand Islam.

This man is out of control. He has an agenda that even I can't totally speculate about, and I have a lot of speculations.

Anonymous said...

I mean, what's to understand about Islam, you convert or they'll kill you is the motto and in practice in muslim or sharia governments. To placate we need MORE understanding or does he really mean more conversions? Well, they're doing a great job in the prison population. Frankly, from my wife who's an ex-muslim (and has family members that have put a contract on her with a special blessing from an Imam if they kill her), they're into hatred, intolerance of other faiths, hate homosexuals (I wonder what the gay marriage radicals think of that?), hate lefties (which BO is), believe in curses, and superstitions that went out with the dark ages. Perhaps BO is right. The more we understand Islam, perhaps the more people will finally stop drinking the Kool Aide and Cynanide.

Jenn Sierra said...

Does everyone remember when we were referred to as "bigots," and "racists," and "fearmongers," during the election for even referencing Barack "Hussein" Obama's middle name (As if the first and last name aren't also Muslim names)?

Now, it seems the POTUS and his TOTUS want to capitalize on that Muslim heritage.

What Mr. Obama is about to find out is that it is not really possible to be "a little bit" Muslim, just when it is politically expedient to be Muslim (then go back to enjoying your Judeo-Christian liberties when the whole "sharia thing" starts harshing your mellow). With Islam, you're either in or you're out. Which is it, Mr. President?

Dustin said...

I have to admit that my reading comprehension must have gone down the drain a bit, because after reading the entire transcript I can't find where he declared the US a Muslim nation.

Saying that we have a group of people, doesn't really state that we are a nation for that group.

While he certainly did blunder the facts regarding the numbers of Muslims and being "one of the largest Muslim countries in the world", I don't quite see where most of this article is coming from.

Oh and for the record President Bush all but declared the US to be a Christian nation many many times. If you doubt this find any time he spoke about same sex marriage or rights and "morality".

Findalis said...

Dustin: What Obama said to the French reporter was that the US has one of the largest Muslim populations in the world. He didn't call the US a Muslim nation (at least not yet). Now the Muslim population of the US is between 1.8-3 million Muslims. Less than 1%. I gave 5 examples of nations with the largest Muslim populations to counter the President's statement.

Bush declared the US to be a Christian nation, by rights it should be classified as such with 78% of the population being Christian, but our Constitution declares us to be a secular nation, with no one religion or sect taking precedent. This is the correct term to take with this argument.

I disagreed with Bush on many occasions (as you might well remember), and I will disagree with Obama if he tries to do the same with any religion. Our strengths as a nation comes from our diversity joining together as one people, not declarations of one faith being greater than all others or any other dividing idea.